AD0-E704試験無料問題集「Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect 認定」

You are tasked to work on a message queue module. When looking at the queue configuration you see the following:

Keeping in mind maintainability, you change it to:

What will happen?

You are working on a module MyCompany_MyModule which adds a select attribute with a few options using the \Magento\Eav\Setup\EavSetup: :addAttribute() method in data in data install script.
There is no uninstall script. While debugging, you have uninstalled the module with the command:
bin magento module:uninstall MyCompany_MyModule
Then you reinstalled the module. What will be the effect on the attribute?

You want to display customized product list along with it's tier prices. To render this price which class should be used and which data needs to be provided ?

A merchant has created a segment that applies to registered customers whose gender is female. You then migrate customers by copying data directly from one database to another. What two ways are used to assign migrated customers with a female gender to the segment?

You are working on a Magento module for a merchant that does business in the UK. This module exposes a REST API endpoint for sending text messages to customers. There is an app based on this REST API which allows admin users to stay in touch with the customers. You would like to restrict the admin's ability to send text messages after work hours.
Keeping simplicity in mind, how do you implement this?

You need to build a custom module to add a notice to the Advanced Inventory section on the product form. The notice text can be specified in the system configuration. How do you implement this?

You are debugging an issue where the staged product custom attribute value is not displayed properly. The attribute backend type is varchar. How does Magento store scheduled values for varchar attributes?

You are creating a module lo enable customers to attach an image file to the quote items while adding a product to the cart. To save development time, you want to build on top of functionality provided by the class \Magento\Catalog\Model\ImageUploader as much as possible.
The class constructor signature is:
What do you do to process the uploaded file?

You are working on a customization that requires a list of shipping rates available to a user. Which call returns the list of shipping rates?