FOCP試験無料問題集「Linux Foundation FinOps Certified Practitioner 認定」

When proposing the adoption of a FinOps function within an organization, there will be a need to brief a variety of personas among the executive team to gain approval, buy-in, and involvement in conducting FinOps and achieving its goals. Every role has a clearly documented Primary Goal.
What is the primary goal for a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)? (Select One)

'IT Asset Management' would be under what domain according to the FinOps Foundation? (Select One)

What term would we use to define the act of changing the size of provisioned resources to one that better matches needs? (Select One)

Which of the following a native tool in AWS that we would use in our FinOps exercises to understand costing issues, get recommendations, etc.

In FinOps decisions are driven by the business value of the cloud? True or False?

Which of the following is true regarding teams working in FinOps organizations? (Select Two)

When comparing TBM and FinOps, which one would focus on results mainly on speed? (Select One)

FinOps Principles are north stars that guide the activities of our FinOps practice. They're developed by FinOps Foundation members, and honed through experience.
When it comes to the FinOps principle of 'A centralized team drives FinOps' which of the following statements would be true? (Select Two)

AWS provides what is called a 'Blended Rate' on its invoices.
What is the blended rate showing? (Select One)

In the Inform Stage of the FinOps cycle which of the following would be true regarding. (Select One)