EX294試験無料問題集「RedHat Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 認定」

Create an ansible vault password file called lock.yml with the password reallysafepw in the /home/sandy/ansible directory. In the lock.yml file define two variables. One is pw_dev and the password is 'dev' and the other is pw_mgr and the password is 'mgr' Create a regular file called secret.txt which contains the password for lock.yml.
ansible-vault create lock.yml
New Vault Password: reallysafepw
Confirm: reallysafepw
Create a file called requirements.yml in /home/sandy/ansible/roles to install two roles. The source for the first role is geerlingguy.haproxy and geerlingguy.php. Name the first haproxy-role and the second php-role. The roles should be installed in /home/sandy/ansible/roles.
in /home/sandy/ansible/roles
vim requirements.yml

Run the requirements file from the roles directory:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p /home/sandy/ansible/roles
Create a jinja template in /home/sandy/ansible/ and name it hosts.j2. Edit this file so it looks like the one below. The order of the nodes doesn't matter. Then create a playbook in /home/sandy/ansible called hosts.yml and install the template on dev node at /root/myhosts
Solution as:
Modify file content.
Create a playbook called /home/admin/ansible/modify.yml as follows:
* The playbook runs on all inventory hosts
* The playbook replaces the contents of /etc/issue with a single line of text as
--> On hosts in the dev host group, the line reads: "Development"
--> On hosts in the test host group, the line reads: "Test"
--> On hosts in the prod host group, the line reads: "Production"
Solution as:
# pwd
# vim modify.yml
- name:
hosts: all
- name:
content: "Development"
dest: /etc/issue
when: inventory_hostname in groups['dev']
- name:
content: "Test"
dest: /etc/issue
when: inventory_hostname in groups['test']
- name:
content: "Production"
dest: /etc/issue
when: inventory_hostname in groups['prod']
# ansible-playbook modify.yml --syntax-check
# ansible-playbook modify.yml