試験Salesforce-AI-Associate トピック1 問題63 スレッド

Salesforce Salesforce-AI-Associateのリアル試験問題集
問題 #: 63
トピック #: 1
Cloud Kicks wants to optimize its business operations by incorporating AI into its CRM.
What should the company do first to prepare its data for use with AI?

おすすめの解答:B 解答を投票する

Before using AI to optimize business operations, the company should first assess the availability and quality of its data. Data is the fuel for AI, and without sufficient and relevant data, AI cannot produce accurate and reliable results. Therefore, the company should identify what data it has, where it is stored, how it is accessed, and how it is maintained. This will help the company understand the feasibility and scope of its AI projects.

Karina 2024-05-08 09:21:29


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