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Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test - Reading: PSAT-Reading 試験

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  • 試験コード: PSAT-Reading
  • 試験名称: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test - Reading
  • 問題と解答: 258
  • 認証ベンダー: PSAT
  • 対応認証: PSAT Certification
  • 最近更新時間: 2024-07-20

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近年、PSAT-Readingテスト連続は好評を博しており、すべての献身的な努力で99%の合格率に達しています。 より多くの労働者がより高い自己啓発を進めるための強力なツールとして、PSAT-Reading認定トレーニングは高度なパフォーマンスと人間中心の技術への情熱を追求し続けています。 さまざまな種類の受験者がPreliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test - Reading認定を受けるのをどのように手助けするかを理解するために多くの研究が行われてきました。 シラバスの変更および理論と実践における最新の動向に従って、Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test - Readingガイドの連続を修正して更新します。 私たちは、厳密な分析を通じて、近年のテストと業界の動向に基づいてPSAT-Reading認定トレーニングを行います。


最高のPSAT-Readingテスト連続を提供することにおける世界的なリーダーとして、我々は大多数の消費者に包括的なサービスを提供することに専念して、そして統合されたサービスを構築するよう努めます。 さらに、PSAT-Reading認定トレーニングアプリケーション、インタラクティブ共有、アフターサービスでも画期的な成果を上げました。 実際のところ、私たちの会社はすべてのクライアントのフィッティングソリューションに対する困難を考慮に入れています。 あなたが助けを必要とする限り、Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test - Readingガイドの連続に関する問題のいずれかに対処するための即時サポートを提供します。 いつでも利用可能です。 私たちの責任あるスタッフが質問に答えてくれます。

PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test - Reading 認定 PSAT-Reading 試験問題:

1. Here my friend, about whose madness I now saw, or fancied that I saw, certain indications of method,
removed the peg which marked the spot where the beetle fell, to a spot about three inches to the
westward of its former position. Taking, now, the tape measure from the nearest point of the trunk to the
peg, as before, and continuing the extension in a straight line to the distance of fifty feet, a spot was
indicated, removed, by several yards, from the point at which we had been digging.
Around the new position a circle, somewhat larger than in the former instance, was now described, and
we again set to work with the spades. I was dreadfully weary, but, scarcely understanding what had
occasioned the change in my thoughts, I felt no longer any great aversion from the labor imposed. I had
become most unaccountably interested--nay, even excited. Perhaps there was something, amid all the
extravagant demeanor of Legrand--some air of forethought, or of deliberation, which impressed me. I dug
eagerly, and now and then caught myself actually looking, with something that very much resembled
expectation, for the fancied treasure, the vision of which had demented my unfortunate companion. At a
period when such vagaries of thought most fully possessed me, and when we had been at work perhaps
an hour and a half, we were again interrupted by the violent howlings of the dog. His uneasiness, in the
first instance, had been, evidently, but the result of playfulness or caprice, but he now assumed a bitter
and serious tone. Upon Jupiter's again attempting to muzzle him, he made furious resistance, and,
leaping into the hole, tore up the mould frantically with his claws. In a few seconds he had uncovered a
mass of human bones, forming two complete skeletons, intermingled with several buttons of metal, and
what appeared to be the dust of decayed woolen. One or two strokes of a spade upturned the blade of a
large Spanish knife, and, as we dug farther, three or four loose pieces of gold and silver coin came to
At sight of these the joy of Jupiter could scarcely be restrained, but the countenance of his master wore an
air of extreme disappointment he urged us, however, to continue our exertions, and the words were hardly
uttered when I stumbled and fell forward, having caught the toe of my boot in a large ring of iron that lay
half buried in the loose earth.
We now worked in earnest, and never did I pass ten minutes of more intense excitement. During his
interval we had fairly unearthed an oblong chest of wood, which, from its perfect preservation and
wonderful hardness, had plainly been subjected to some mineralizing process--perhaps that of the
Bi-chloride of Mercury. This box was three feet and a half long, three feet broad, and two and a half feet
deep. It was firmly secured by bands of wrought iron, riveted, and forming a kind of open trelliswork over
the whole. On each side of the chest, near the top, were three rings of iron--six in all--by means of which a
firm hold could be obtained by six persons. Our utmost united endeavors served only to disturb the coffer
very slightly in its bed. We at once saw the impossibility of removing so great a weight. Luckily, the sole
fastenings of the lid consisted of two sliding bolts. These we drew back trembling and panting with anxiety.
In an instant, a treasure of incalculable value lay gleaming before us. As the rays of the lanterns fell within
the pit, there flashed upwards a glow and a glare, from a confused heap of gold and of jewels, that
absolutely dazzled our eyes.
I shall not pretend to describe the feelings with which I gazed. Amazement was, of course, predominant.
Legrand appeared exhausted with excitement, and spoke very few words. Jupiter's countenance wore, for
some minutes, as deadly a pallor as it is possible, in nature of things, for any negro's visage to assume.
He seemed stupefied thunderstricken. Presently he fell upon his knees in the pit, and, burying his naked
arms up to the elbows in gold, let them there remain, as if enjoying the luxury of a bath.
It became necessary, at last, that I should arouse both master and valet to the expediency of removing the
treasure. It was growing late, and it behooved us to make exertion, that we might get every thing housed
before daylight. It was difficult to say what should be done, and much time was spent in deliberation--so
confused were the ideas of all. We, finally, lightened the box by removing two thirds of its contents, when
we were enabled, with some trouble, to raise it from the hole. The articles taken out were deposited
among the brambles, and the dog left to guard them, with strict orders from Jupiter neither, upon any
pretence, to stir from the spot, nor to open his mouth until our return.
At what point in the excerpt was there a marked mood change?

A) between paragraphs 5 and 6
B) between paragraphs 2 and 3
C) between paragraphs 4 and 5
D) between paragraphs 1 and 2
E) between paragraphs 3 and 4

2. When Rob became interested in electricity, his clear-headed father considered the boy's fancy to be
instructive as well as amusing; so he heartily encouraged his son, and Rob never lacked batteries, motors,
or supplies of any sort that his experiments might require.
He fitted up the little back room in the attic as his workshop, and from thence, a network of wires soon ran
throughout the house. Not only had every outside door its electric bell, but every window was fitted with a
burglar alarm; moreover, no one could cross the threshold of any interior room without registering the fact
in Rob's work-shop. The gas was lighted by an electric fob; a chime, connected with an erratic clock in the
boy's room, woke the servants at all hours of the night and caused the cook to give warning; a bell rang
whenever the postman dropped a letter into the box; there were bells, bells, bells everywhere, ringing at
the right time, the wrong time and all the time. And there were telephones in the different rooms, too,
through which Rob could call up the different members of the family just when they did not wish to be
disturbed. His mother and sisters soon came to vote the boy's scientific craze a nuisance; but his father
was delighted with these evidences of Rob's skill as an electrician and insisted that he be allowed perfect
freedom in carrying out his ideas.
Paragraph three performs which of the following functions?

A) warrants a rethinking of the continuous supplying of materials to Rob
B) demonstrates the continuing grip father has over the entire household
C) shows that mother and sister's input is valuable and heralded
D) postulates the notion that perhaps the experiments have gone too far
E) shows father is willing to listen and alter decisions if warranted

3. The following two passages deal with the political movements working for the woman's vote in America.
Passage 1
The first organized assertion of woman's rights in the United States was made at the Seneca Falls
convention in 1848. The convention, though, had little immediate impact because of the national issues
that would soon embroil the country. The contentious debates involving slavery and state's rights that
preceded the Civil War soon took center stage in national debates.
Thus woman's rights issues would have to wait until the war and its antecedent problems had been
addressed before they would be addressed. In 1869, two organizations were formed that would play
important roles in securing the woman's right to vote. The first was the American Woman's Suffrage
Association (AWSA). Leaving federal and constitutional issues aside, the AWSA focused their attention
on state-level politics. They also restricted their ambitions to securing the woman's vote and downplayed
discussion of women's full equality. Taking a different track, the National Woman's Suffrage Association
(NWSA), led by Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, believed that the only way to assure the
long-term security of the woman's vote was to ground it in the constitution. The NWSA challenged the
exclusion of woman from the Fifteenth Amendment, the amendment that extended the vote to
African-American men. Furthermore, the NWSA linked the fight for suffrage with other inequalities faced
by woman, such as marriage laws, which greatly disadvantaged women.
By the late 1880s the differences that separated the two organizations had receded in importance as the
women's movement had become a substantial and broad-based political force in the country. In 1890, the
two organizations joined forces under the title of the National American Woman's Suffrage Association
(NAWSA). The NAWSA would go on to play a vital role in the further fight to achieve the woman's vote.
Passage 2
In 1920, when Tennessee became the thirty-eighth state to approve the constitutional amendment
securing the woman's right to vote, woman's suffrage became enshrined in the constitution. But woman's
suffrage did not happen in one fell swoop. The success of the woman's suffrage movement was the story
of a number of partial victories that led to the explicit endorsement of the woman's right to vote in the
As early as the 1870s and 1880s, women had begun to win the right to vote in local affairs such as
municipal elections, school board elections, or prohibition measures. These "partial suffrages"
demonstrated that women could in fact responsibly and reasonably participate in a representative
democracy (at least as voters). Once such successes were achieved and maintained over a period of
time, restricting the full voting rights of woman became more and more suspect. If women were helping
decide who was on the local school board, why should they not also have a voice in deciding who was
president of the country? Such questions became more difficult for non-suffragists to answer, and thus the
logic of restricting the woman's vote began to crumble.
The word "antecedent" in 1st passage can best be replaced by

A) abolitionist.
B) causal.
C) subsequent.
D) antebellum.
E) referent.

4. But the Dust-Bin was going down then, and your father took but little, excepting from a liquid point of view.
Your mother's object in those visits was of a house-keeping character, and you was set on to whistle your
father out. Sometimes he came out, but generally not. Come or not come, however, all that part of his
existence which was unconnected with open Waitering was kept a close secret, and was acknowledged
by your mother to be a close secret, and you and your mother flitted about the court, close secrets both of
you, and would scarcely have confessed under torture that you know your father, or that your father had
any name than Dick (which wasn't his name, though he was never known by any other), or that he had
kith or kin or chick or child. Perhaps the attraction of this mystery, combined with your father's having a
damp compartment, to himself, behind a leaky cistern, at the Dust Bin, a sort of a cellar compartment, with
a sink in it, and a smell, and a plate-rack, and a bottle-rack, and three windows that didn't match each
other or anything else, and no daylight, caused your young mind to feel convinced that you must grow up
to be a Waiter too; but you did feel convinced of it, and so did all your brothers, down to your sister. Every
one of you felt convinced that you was born to the Waitering.
At this stage of your career, what was your feelings one day when your father came home to your mother
in open broad daylight, of itself an act of Madness on the part of a Waiter, and took to his bed (leastwise,
your mother and family's bed), with the statement that his eyes were devilled kidneys. Physicians being in
vain, your father expired, after repeating at intervals for a day and a night, when gleams of reason and old
business fitfully illuminated his being, "Two and two is five. And three is sixpence." Interred in the
parochial department of the neighbouring churchyard, and accompanied to the grave by as many Waiters
of long standing as could spare the morning time from their soiled glasses (namely, one), your bereaved
form was attired in a white neckankecher [sic], and you was took on from motives of benevolence at The
George and Gridiron, theatrical and supper. Here, supporting nature on what you found in the
plates(which was as it happened, and but too often thoughtlessly, immersed in mustard), and on what you
found in the glasses (which rarely went beyond driblets and lemon), by night you dropped asleep standing,
till you was cuffed awake, and by day was set to polishing every individual article in the coffee-room. Your
couch being sawdust; your counterpane being ashes of cigars. Here, frequently hiding a heavy heart
under the smart tie of your white neck ankecher (or correctly speaking lower down and more to the left),
you picked up the rudiments of knowledge from an extra, by the name of Bishops, and by calling
plate-washer, and gradually elevating your mind with chalk on the back of the corner-box partition, until
such time as you used the inkstand when it was out of hand, attained to manhood, and to be the Waiter
that you find yourself.
I could wish here to offer a few respectful words on behalf of the calling so long the calling of myself and
family, and the public interest in which is but too often very limited. We are not generally understood. No,
we are not. Allowance enough is not made for us. For, say that we ever show a little drooping listlessness
of spirits, or what might be termed indifference or apathy. Put it to yourself what would your own state of
mind be, if you was one of an enormous family every member of which except you was always greedy,
and in a hurry. Put it to yourself that you was regularly replete with animal food at the slack hours of one in
the day and again at nine p.m., and that the repleter [sic] you was, the more voracious all your
fellow-creatures came in. Put it to yourself that it was your business, when your digestion was well on, to
take a personal interest and sympathy in a hundred gentlemen fresh and fresh (say, for the sake of
argument, only a hundred), whose imaginations was given up to grease and fat and gravy and melted
butter, and abandoned to questioning you about cuts of this, and dishes of that, each of 'em going on as if
him and you and the bill of fare was alone in the world.
Overall, what is the author referring when he writes "Perhaps the attraction of this mystery" Starting of 2nd

A) the compartment his father kept and lived alone in even though it didn't seem like much
B) the situation of only visiting his father instead of living together with approval from the wife
C) the entire secrecy of the lifestyle of his family notwithstanding the compartment
D) the fact that no one knew that his father was married and apparently weren't allowed to
E) the idea that no one was to know his father's name

5. The main purpose of this story is to appeal to the reader's interest in a subject which has been the theme
of some of the greatest writers, living and dead--but which has never been, and can never be, exhausted,
because it is a subject eternally interesting to all mankind. Here is one more book that depicts the struggle
of a human creature, under those opposing influences of Good and Evil, which we have all felt, which we
have all known. It has been my aim to make the character of "Magdalen," which personifies this struggle,
a pathetic character even in its perversity and its error; and I have tried hard to attain this result by the
least obtrusive and the least artificial of all means--by a resolute adherence throughout to the truth as it is
in Nature. This design was no easy one to accomplish; and it has been a great encouragement to me
(during the publication of my story in its periodical form) to know, on the authority of many readers, that
the object which I had proposed to myself, I might, in some degree, consider as an object achieved.
Round the central figure in the narrative other characters will be found grouped, in sharp
contrast--contrast, for the most part, in which I have endeavored to make the element of humor mainly
predominant. I have sought to impart this relief to the more serious passages in the book, not only
because I believe myself to be justified in doing so by the laws of Art--but because experience has taught
me (what the experience of my readers will doubtless confirm) that there is no such moral phenomenon
as unmixed tragedy to be found in the world around us. Look where we may, the dark threads and the
light cross each other perpetually in the texture of human life.
What selection best identifies the device utilized as a whole in the opening first paragraph?

A) allegory
B) antagonist
C) allusion
D) rhetorical question
E) epic


質問 # 1
正解: D
質問 # 2
正解: B
質問 # 3
正解: B
質問 # 4
正解: C
質問 # 5
正解: C

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