オンライン問題で最適なAD0-E711試験練習問題(最新の62問題) [Q10-Q34]



練習問題AD0-E711素晴らしい練習用のAdobe Commerce Developer Professionalテスト問題

Adobe AD0-E711は、Adobeコマース開発分野のプロフェッショナル向けに提供される認定試験です。Adobe Commerceは柔軟でカスタマイズ可能なeコマースプラットフォームであり、ビジネスがオンラインストアを作成および管理できるようにします。Adobe Commerce Developer Professional認定は、Adobe Commerceソリューションを設計、開発、展開する責任を持つ開発者のスキルと知識を検証するよう設計されています。


質問 # 10
A developer wants to implement integration of a new payment method that should be available for order creation from the admin panel. Which flag should be used?

  • A. can_use_internal
  • B. can_use_checkout
  • C. can_use_admin


To implement a new payment method available for order creation from the admin panel, the "can_use_internal" flag should be used. This flag indicates whether the payment method can be used in the Magento admin panel. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/howdoi/checkout/checkout_payment.html

質問 # 11
Which feature should a developer enable if a B2B buyer wants to negotiate the product price from a shopping cart?

  • A. B2B Quote
  • B. B2B Propose price
  • C. B2B Bid


質問 # 12
You are tasked to install an extension to the merchant's Magento instance.
The extension is developed by the company called MyCompany and its codebase is available from all four locations listed below.
Which two installations options do you choose from to prevent version conflicts during upgrade? (Choose two.)

  • A. Use Magento web setup wizard to pull the code from Magento's composer repository
  • B. Clone the code from GitHub and put it into the vendor directory
  • C. Use composer CLI to pull the code from MyCompany's repository
  • D. Download the extension code from the developer's website, and put it into app/code


質問 # 13
A developer has been tasked to create a new controller for custom functionality. Only GET HTTP requests must be allowed. What must be done so the controller processes only GET requests?

  • A. Ensure the controller extends the Magento\Framework\App\Action\AbstractGetController.
  • B. Ensure the controller class Implements Magento\Framework\App\Action\HttpGetAction lnterface.
  • C. Use the REQUEST class constant to specify the request.


質問 # 14
You want to declare a block of the type \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template with a template named view.phtml in the layout XML.
What is the correct layout declaration for this?

  • A. Option D
  • B. Option C
  • C. Option A
  • D. Option B


質問 # 15
A merchant tasks you to keep sales managers out of the system configuration backend pages.
How do you do that using the admin interface?

  • A. This is not possible in a native Magento instance and requires customization
  • B. You remove access to the restricted pages from each user's ACL settings
  • C. You create a role with access to the system configuration pages and assign it to all users except the sales managers
  • D. You create a role with limited permissions and assign all sales manager users to the new role


質問 # 16
Which file is used to add a custom router class to the list of routers?

  • A. routes.xml
  • B. dl.xml
  • C. config.xml


In Magento's routing process configured area routers takes precedence over global router configurations defined in config.xml . So , One can add a custom router class definition inside routes.xml like this : ``` ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:App/etc/routes.xsd"> <router id="[ROUTER_ID]"> <route frontName="[FRONT_NAME]"> <module name="[MODULE_NAME]" before="[OTHER_ROUTE_OR_MODULE]"/> </route> </router> </config> ``` Reference : https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/extension-dev-guide/routing.html#cusroute_def

質問 # 17
A merchant sells products in Euro currency. The merchant wants to show prices in other currencies. What is the scope of the default display currency?

  • A. Store view
  • B. Website
  • C. Global


The display currency scope is Store view. In Magento, you can set the default display currency for each store view, allowing merchants to show prices in different currencies for different store views.

質問 # 18
Which layout file should be used for a product with a specific id?

  • A. catalog_product_view_id_{id}.xml
  • B. catalog_product_view_{id}. xmi
  • C. catalog_product_view_Type_{type}id.{id).xml


To create a layout file for a product with a specific ID, you should use the format catalog_product_view_id_{id}.xml. Replace {id} with the specific product ID to target that product.

質問 # 19
Which method type can be intercepted by plugins?

  • A. static
  • B. final
  • C. public


Only public methods can be intercepted by plugins in Magento. Static and final methods cannot be intercepted. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/extension-dev-guide/plugins.html#before-after-and-around-methods

質問 # 20
The value of a product attribute in the Adobe Commerce system needs to have a different formal before it is displayed. Which attribute model class is responsible for this?

  • A. Frontend
  • B. Source
  • C. Backend


The Frontend attribute model class is responsible for formatting the value of a product attribute before it is displayed in the Adobe Commerce system. This class allows developers to control how the attribute value is presented on the frontend.

質問 # 21
You have loaded an instance of Magento\Catalog\Model\Product in the $product variable. You know that the loaded product has the type configurable with four variations. These variations have the prices: $10, $12, $12, $15.
What will be the result of the $product->getFinalPrice() call?

  • A. 0
  • B. [10, 12, 15]
  • C. 1
  • D. [10, 12, 12, 15]


質問 # 22
You are debugging a problem resulting from a recently deployed around plugin. The plugin is intercepting the doSomething method. The aroundDoSomething plugin method is called successfully, but the original doSomething method is no longer being executed as expected.
What is causing this?

  • A. The plugin implementation is skipping the execution of its callable argument
  • B. The plugin implementation returned something other than its callable argument
  • C. The plugin implementation overlooked using the AbstractPlugin parent class
  • D. The sort order of the plugin is too high and supersedes the priority of the intercepted method


質問 # 23
A module declares the route:

What is the layout handle of the storefront path /custom/feature/?

  • A. custom_feature
  • B. mymodule_feature_index
  • C. mymodule_feature
  • D. custom_feature_index


質問 # 24
You are adding a new menu item to the admin backend which will link to a custom backend page.
The declaration of the route:

What do you specify as the menu item action attribute value so it links to /admin/mycompany/mymodule/?

  • A. action="mycompany/mymodule/"
  • B. It is not possible without extending the adminhtml route in routes.xml
  • C. action="admin/mycompany/mymodule/"
  • D. action="adminhtml/mycompany/mymodule/"


質問 # 25
What is the connection between product attribute sets and categories?

  • A. Each category is linked to a single product attribute set, and only products from that category's set or any of its parent categories'
  • B. Categories can be connected to multiple product attribute sets, and only products from one of those sets are allowed in the category
  • C. Categories have no connection to product attribute sets, and any product can be assigned to any category
  • D. Each category is linked to a single product attribute set, and only products from that attribute set are allowed in the category


質問 # 26
Which feature should be used lo display content for a particular segment based on a price rule?

  • A. Dynamic area
  • B. Dynamic Block
  • C. Static block


質問 # 27
How does Magento store customer address attribute values?

  • A. Customer address is not an entity, so its properties are customer attributes
  • B. Customer address is an EAV entity, so all values are stored in the customer_address_entity table and related values tables
  • C. Customer address is a flat entity, so all values are stored in the customer_address_entity table
  • D. Customer address is an attribute of the customer, so it doesn't have its own attributes


質問 # 28
Under which section should the soft dependency for a module be listed in app/code/<Vendor>/<Module>/composer.json file?

  • A. }
    ''Suggest": {
  • B. soft': {
  • C. }


質問 # 29
What is the purpose of a URL Rewrite?

  • A. It disables URLs that authenticate the user automatically.
  • B. It helps URLs Become more friendly for customers and search engines.
  • C. It is used to save URLs in the database for cache cleaning.


URL rewrite is a technique used to make URLs more user-friendly and easier to understand for both customers and search engines. This helps improve the website's search engine optimization (SEO) and overall user experience. Reference: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-friendly-url-structure-2/202790/

質問 # 30
Which command should be used to deploy static content?

  • A. startstatic-content:deploy
  • B. set up:static-content :deploy
  • C. start:static-resources:deploy


質問 # 31
A merchant tasked you to add an input field for notes to the Customer Account Information backend page.
Which three actions do you specify in a module's Data Patch to add a customer notes attribute? (Choose three.)

  • A. $cache->clean(['eav', 'db_ddl']);
  • B. $customerSetup->addAttributeToSet('customer', $attributeSetIdCustomer, $groupId, 'notes');
  • C. $customerSetup->getConnection()->addColumn('customer_entity', 'notes', $columnSpecs);
  • D. $customerSetup->addAttribute('customer', 'notes', $options);
  • E. $notesAttribute->setData('used_in_forms', ['adminhtml_customer']);


質問 # 32
A developer defined a new table in db_schema.xml while creating a new module.
What should be done to allow the removal of columns from the database when deleting them from db_schema.xml?

  • A. The removable columns should be defined In db_schema_whitelist.Json.
  • B. The columns should have "removable" attribute set to "true" in the db_schema.xml.
  • C. The removable columns should be defined in db_schema_blacklist Json.


質問 # 33
The module MyCompany_MyModule provides custom admin interface pages.
Access to these pages should only be granted to specific users.
You add the required configuration to the module's acl.xml file, but the setting does not seem to work as expected.
How do you visually check if Magento evaluates your ACL resource as expected?

  • A. Write a plugin for the class \Magento\Framework\Acl\LoaderInterface::populateAcl() and echo out the loaded roles
  • B. Inspect the output of the CLI command bin/magento admin:role:resources - all
  • C. Inspect the response of a GET request to the webapi endpoint http://example.com/rest/V1/acl/resources
  • D. In the browser, open the admin User Roles page. Choose a role and inspect the tree of available resources


質問 # 34

AD0-E711試験は、重要な準備と研究を必要とする挑戦的なテストです。候補者は、Adobe Commerceのベストプラクティスに精通しており、Adobe Commerce Webサイトの開発と展開の経験が必要です。この試験は、複数選択の質問で構成されており、候補者が知識を実際のシナリオに適用する能力を示すことを要求します。この試験は、コンピューターベースのテストの大手プロバイダーであるPearson Vueによって管理されています。

Adobe AD0-E711試験は、デザインとカスタマイズ、コーディングの標準とベストプラクティス、サードパーティシステムとの統合など、Adobe Commerceに関連する広範なトピックをカバーしています。また、開発プロセス中に発生する可能性のある問題をトラブルシューティングおよびデバッグする能力も評価されます。Adobe AD0-E711試験に合格することは、開発者がAdobe Commerceを使用した堅牢で効率的なeコマースソリューションを開発するために必要なスキルと専門知識を備えていることを、潜在的な雇用主やクライアントに示すことができます。

