[2023年12月29日] 実際のAD0-E718試験問題集は2023年最新のAdobe練習試験合格させます [Q30-Q52]


[2023年12月29日] 実際のAD0-E718試験問題集は2023年最新のAdobe練習試験合格させます


Adobe AD0-E718試験に合格することは、プロフェッショナルがAdobe Commerce Cloudおよびそのアーキテクチャについて包括的な理解を持っていることを示し、求職市場で際立ち、新しいキャリア機会を開拓するのに役立ちます。試験は60の多肢選択問題から構成され、制限時間は120分です。候補者は、Adobe Commerce Architect Master認定資格を取得するために、67%以上の合格点を取得する必要があります。

Adobe Ad0-E718(Adobe Commerce Architect Master)認定試験は、Adobe Commerce Cloudにおける候補者の知識とスキルをテストする包括的な試験です。この認定は、複雑なAdobe Commerce Cloud Solutionsの設計と開発を担当する建築家と上級開発者を対象としています。この試験に合格すると、Adobe Commerce Cloudにおける候補者の専門知識が示され、ビジネスのニーズを満たす複雑なソリューションを設計、開発、最適化するスキルを検証します。


質問 # 30
A merchant asks for a new category attribute to allow uploading an additional mobile image against categories. The merchant utilizes the content staging and preview feature in Adobe Commerce and wants to schedule and review changes to this new mobile image field.
A developer creates the attribute via a data patch and adds it to
view/adminhtml/ui_component/category_form.xml. The attribute appears against the category in the main form, but does not appear in the additional form when scheduled updates are made.
To change this attribute when scheduling new category updates, which additional action should the Architect ask the developer to take?

  • A. The attribute must have<item name=''allow_staging'' xsi:type="boolean''>true<item> set in the
    =category_form.xml file under the attributes config" section.
  • B. The attribute must also be added to
  • C. The attribute must have its apply_to field set to "staging" in the data patch file.


This is because, in order to change the attribute when scheduling new category updates, the attribute must be added to the view/adminhtml/ulcomponent/catalogstagingcategoryupdateform.xml file in order to be displayed in the additional form when scheduling updates. This additional form is used to set the values for the category attributes when scheduling updates.

質問 # 31
An Architect needs to integrate an Adobe Commerce store with a new Shipping Carrier. Cart data is sent to the Shipping Carrier's API to retrieve the price and display to the customer. After the feature is implemented on the store, the API hits its quota and returns the error "Too many requests". The Shipping Carrier warns the store about sending too many requests with the same content to the API.
In the carrier model, what should the Architect change to fix the problem?

  • A. Implement _setCachedQuotes () and_getCachedQuotes() return the data if the request matches.
  • B. Override getResponse (), save the response to a variable, check if the response exists, then return.
  • C. In _doShipmentRequest (), call canCollectRates() before sending request to the API


Implementing setCachedQuotes () andgetCachedQuotes() in the carrier model can allow the store to store the cart data in a cache, so that repeated requests with the same content can be retrieved from the cache instead of sending a new request to the API. This can reduce the number of requests and avoid hitting the quota limit.

質問 # 32
An Adobe Commerce Architect notices that queue consumers close TCP connections too often on Adobe Commerce Cloud server leading to delays in processing messages.
The Architect needs to make sure that consumers do not terminate after processing available messages in the queue when CRON job is running these consumers.
How should the Architect meet this requirement?

  • A. Set CONSUMER_WAIT_FOR_MAX_MESSAGES variable true in deployment stage.
  • B. Increase multiple_process limit to spawn more processes for each consumer.
  • C. Change max_messages from 10,000 to 1,000 for CRON_CONSUMER_RUNNERvariable.


The best way to meet this requirement is to set the CONSUMERWAITFORMAXMESSAGES variable to true in the deployment stage. This variable will ensure that the consumer will not terminate when there are no more messages in the queue and will instead wait until a new message is available, preventing it from closing the connection prematurely. Additionally, the multiple_processes limit can be increased to spawn more processes for each consumer, which will help ensure that messages can be processed faster.
Setting CONSUMER_WAIT_FOR_MAX_MESSAGES variable true in deployment stage will make sure that consumers do not terminate after processing available messages in the queue when CRON job is running these consumers. This will prevent consumers from closing TCP connections too often and improve performance. See Start message queue consumers in the Adobe Commerce Help Center1. Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/message-queues/consumers.html?lang=en2 https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/cli/start-message-queues.html1

質問 # 33
An Adobe Commerce system is configured to run in a multi-tier architecture that includes:
* A cache server with Varnish installed
* A backend web server with Adobe Commerce installed
* A database server with MySQL installed
When an Adobe Commerce Architect tries to clean the cache from the Store Admin by using the "Flush Magento Cache" in Cache Management, the Full Page Cache does not clear.
Which two steps should the Architect take to make the Full Page Cache work properly? (Choose two.)

  • A. Use "Flush Cache Storage" instead of "Flush Magento Cache"
  • B. Set the cache destination host using magento CLIbin/magento setup:config:set
    --http-cache-hosts<cache_server>:<varrnish port>
  • C. Set the backend destination host to the frontend server's address in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Host
  • D. Set the cache type to "Varnish Caching" in the Store Admin.
    Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Caching Application
  • E. Set the backend port destination to the frontend server's Varnish port in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Port


質問 # 34
An Adobe Commerce Architect is working on a sales campaign to present a new product on the site that allows the purchase of a pre-defined set of products with a discount. Each product in the set should have a separate stock and tax class.
One requirement is to use a third-party system to build reports with REST API to fetch the following data:
* Qty
* Original price
* Sales price
* Tax amount
Which solution should the Architect use to meet these requirements?

  • A. * Create Dynamic Bundle Product for gathering simple products;
    * Utilize Content Staging to manage special prices for bundle products on time for the campaign;
    * Expose required data via Adobe Commerce Order API;
  • B. * Create Fixed Bundle Product for gathering simple products;
    * Manage price for every selected option;
    * Add extension attribute original_simple_price for \Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderItemExtensionInterface and populate value with price of simple product;
  • C. * Create Grouped Product and Create after plugin on \Magento\GroupedProduct\Model\Product\Type\Grouped:preparedForCarrAdvanced for bunch products ordering;
    * Utilize Content Staging to manage special prices on time for the campaign for simple products;
    * Expose required data via Adobe Commerce Order API;


To meet the requirements, the Architect should use the following solution: * Create Fixed Bundle Product for gathering simple products. This will allow the purchase of a pre-defined set of products with a discount and separate stock and tax class for each product. * Manage price for every selected option. This will allow setting the original and sales price for each product in the bundle. * Add extension attribute original_simple_price for \Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderItemExtensionInterface and populate value with price of simple product. This will allow exposing the original price of the simple product via REST API along with other required data. Option B is incorrect because Dynamic Bundle Product will not allow setting a pre-defined set of products with a discount. Option C is incorrect because Grouped Product will not allow setting a discount for the whole set of products. Reference: https://docs.magento.com/user-guide/catalog/product-create-bundle.html https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/extension-dev-guide/extension_attributes/adding-attributes.html

質問 # 35
An external system integrates functionality of a product catalog search using Adobe Commerce GraphQL API. The Architect creates a new attribute my_attribute in the admin panel with frontend type select.
Later, the Architect sees that Productinterface already has the field my_atcribute, but returns an mc value. The Architect wants this field to be a new type that contains both option id and label.
To meet this requirement, an Adobe Commerce Architect creates a new module and file etc/schema.graphqls that declares as follows:

After calling command setup:upgrade, the introspection of Productlnterface field xy_attribute remains int. What prevented the value type of field my_attribute from changing?

  • A. The fields of Productlnterface are checked during processing schema.graphqls files. If they have a corresponding attribute, then the backendjype of product attribute is set for field type.
  • B. The Magento.CatalogGraphQI module occurs later in sequence than the Magento.GraphQI module and merging output of dynamic attributes schema reader overrides types declared in schema.graphqls
  • C. The interface Productlnterface is already declared in Magento.CatalogGraphQI module. Extending requires use of the keyword -xceni before a new declaration of Productlnterface.


products query is a GraphQL query that returns information about products that match specified search criteria. It also shows how to use ProductInterface fields to retrieve product data.
The Magento.CatalogGraphQI module occurs later in sequence than the Magento.GraphQI module and merging output of dynamic attributes schema reader overrides types declared in schema.graphqls. The dynamic attributes schema reader is responsible for adding product attributes to the Productinterface based on the backend type of the attribute. Since the attribute my_attribute has a backend type of int, the field my_attribute in the Productinterface will also have a type of int, regardless of the custom type declared in the schema.graphqls file. To avoid this, the Architect should either change the backend type of the attribute to match the custom type, or use a different name for the field that does not conflict with the attribute name. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/graphql/develop/create-graphqls-file.html

質問 # 36
An Adobe Commerce Architect is setting up a Development environment for an on-premises project that will be used for developers to specifically test functionality, not performance, before being passed to the Testing team.
The Magento application must run with the following requirements:
1. Errors should be logged and hidden from the user
2. Cache mode can only be changed from Command Line
3. Static files should be created dynamically and then cached
Which Application Mode is required to achieve this?

  • A. Default Mode
  • B. Production Mode
  • C. Developer Mode


Developer Mode is the mode best suited to achieve the requirements set out by the Adobe Commerce Architect. In Developer Mode, errors are logged and hidden from the user, and the cache mode can only be changed from the command line. Additionally, static files are created dynamically and then cached, which is the desired behavior for this project.
Developer Mode is required to achieve the requirements. This is because developer mode enables the following features: Errors are logged and hidden from the user; cache mode can only be changed from command line; static files are created dynamically and then cached. See Application modes in the Adobe Commerce Help Center1. Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/setup/application-modes.html?lang=en1

質問 # 37
A company wants to build an Adobe Commerce website to sell their products to customers in their country. The taxes in their country are highly complex and require customization to Adobe Commerce. An Architect is trying to solve this problem by creating a custom tax calculator that will handle the calculation of taxes for all orders in Adobe Commerce.
How should the Architect add the taxes for all orders?

  • A. Add a new observer to the event 'sales_quote_collect_totals_before" and add the custom tax to the quote
  • B. Write a before plugin to \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteManagement::placeOrder() and add the custom tax to the quote
  • C. Declare a new total collector in "etc/sales.xml" in a custom module


you can create tax rules in Magento 2 by going to Stores > Taxes > Tax Rules and choosing or adding tax rates. However, this may not be enough for complex tax scenarios that require customization.
https://amasty.com/knowledge-base/how-to-configure-tax-calculation-in-magento-2.html To add a new total to the order, the Architect should declare a new total collector in the "etc/sales.xml" file of a custom module. This file defines the order of calculation and rendering of totals. The Architect should also implement a model class that extends \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\Total\AbstractTotal and overrides the collect() and fetch() methods to handle the logic of adding the custom tax to the quote and order. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/howdoi/checkout/checkout_new_total.html

質問 # 38
A merchant notices that product price changes do not update on the storefront.
The index management page in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel shows the following:
* All indexes are set to 'update by schedule'
* Their status is 'ready'
* There are no items in the backlog
* The indexes were last updated 1 minute ago
A developer verifies that updating and saving product prices adds the relevant product IDs into the catalog_product_price_cl changelog table.
Which two steps should the Architect recommend to the developer to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)

  • A. Make sure that no custom or third-party modules modify the changelog and indexing process.
  • B. Invalidate the catalog_product_price indexer in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel so that it is fully reindexed next time the cron runs.
  • C. Manually reindex the catalog_product_price index from the Command line:bin\magentor indexer:reindex catalog_product_price.
  • D. Make sure that the version_id for the price indexer in the mview_state table is not higher than the last entry for the same column in the changelog table and re-synchronize.
  • E. Reduce the frequency of the cron job to 5 minutes so the items have more time to process.


To resolve the issue of product price changes not updating on the storefront, you need to take the following steps:
Make sure that no custom or third-party modules modify the changelog and indexing process. Some modules might interfere with the normal functioning of the indexing mechanism and cause data inconsistency or corruption. You can disable any custom or third-party modules that are related to indexing and check if the issue persists.
Make sure that the version_id for the price indexer in the mview_state table is not higher than the last entry for the same column in the changelog table and re-synchronize. The version_id column in the mview_state table indicates the current state of each indexer. If this value is higher than the last entry in the changelog table, it means that the indexer has skipped some records and needs to be re-synchronized. You can use the bin/magento indexer:reset command to reset the state of the price indexer and then run bin/magento indexer:reindex to reindex it.

質問 # 39
An Adobe Commerce Architect is supporting deployment and building tools for on-premises Adobe Commerce projects. The tool is executing build scripts on a centralized server and using an SSH connection to deploy to project servers.
A client reports that users cannot work with Admin Panel because the site breaks every time they change interface locale.
Considering maintainability, which solution should the Architect implement?

  • A. Edit project env.php file, configure 'admin_locales_for.build' value, and specify all required locales
  • B. Adjust the tool's build script and specify required locales during 'setup:static-content:deploy' command
  • C. Modify project config.php file, configure 'admin_locales_for_deploy' value, and specify all required locales


The 'setup:static-content:deploy' command allows you to generate static view files for specific locales. If you do not specify any locales, the command uses the default locale that is set in the configuration. To avoid breaking the site when changing interface locale in the Admin Panel, you need to generate static view files for all the locales that you want to use. You can do this by adjusting the tool's build script and adding the locales as arguments to the 'setup:static-content:deploy' command. For example:
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US fr_FR de_DE
This will generate static view files for English, French, and German locales. Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/setup/static-view.html?lang=en#generate-static-view-files

質問 # 40
An Architect is configuring the preload.keys for Redis on an Adobe Commerce on-premise instance.
The Architect discovers that the following cache keys are loaded on each frontend request: eav_entity_types, GLOBAL_PLUGIN_LIST, DB_IS_UP_TO_DATE , SYSTEM_DEFAULT.
* The id_prefix of the frontend =>page_cache is set to 061_.
* The id_prefix of frontend => default: is not set.
* The Architect has enabled and configured Redis L2 caching.
How should the preload.keys be configured?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.


The preload.keys should be configured as shown in Option D. This is because the preload feature allows Redis to load data that is reused between pages, such as eav_entity_types, GLOBAL_PLUGIN_LIST, DB_IS_UP_TO_DATE , SYSTEM_DEFAULT. The preload keys should include the id_prefix of the cache backend and the suffix ':hash' to indicate the hashed data version. See Use Redis for default cache in the Adobe Commerce Developer Guide1. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/config-guide/redis/redis-pg-cache.html1

質問 # 41
An Adobe Commerce Architect is reviewing api-functional test code. Some tests send errors to indicate that the customer address does not exist.
The test codes show the following:

Which steps should the Architect take to fix the test errors?



  • A. Option C
  • B. Option A
  • C. Option B


The test errors are caused by using the wrong customer ID and address ID in the request. The correct customer ID and address ID should be obtained from the response of the previous request to create a customer and an address. The test code should use $this->customer->getId() and $this->address->getId() instead of hard-coded values. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/get-started/web-api-functional-testing.html

質問 # 42
An Architect needs to review a custom product feed export module that a developer created for a merchant. During final testing before the solution is deployed, the product feed output is verified as correct. All unit and integration tests for code pass.
However, once the solution is deployed to production, the product price values in the feed are incorrect for several products. The products with incorrect data are all currently part of a content staging campaign where their prices have been reduced.
What did the developer do incorrectly that caused the feed output to be incorrect for products in the content staging campaign?

  • A. The developer did not check for an active content staging campaign and emulates the campaign state when retrieving product data.
  • B. The developer retrieved product data directly from the database using the entity_id column rather than a collection or repository.
  • C. The developer forgot to use the getContentStagingValue() method to retrieve the active campaign value of the product data


Based on the given scenario, it is likely that option C - "The developer did not check for an active content staging campaign and emulates the campaign state when retrieving product data" - is the correct answer. It appears that the developer did not take into account the active content staging campaign and did not properly adjust the product data when generating the product feed. As a result, the feed output is incorrect for products that are part of the staging campaign and have their prices reduced. The correct solution would be to check for an active content staging campaign and properly adjust the product data to reflect the campaign state.

質問 # 43
An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to create a new customer segment condition to enable admins to specify an 'Average sales amount' condition for certain segments.
The Architect develops the custom condition under
vendor\Module\Model\Segment\condition\AverageSalesAmount with all of its requirements:

During testing, the following error appears:
Which two steps should the Architect complete to fix the problem? (Choose two.)

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
  • E.


質問 # 44
An Adobe Commerce Architect is reviewing api-functional test code. Some tests send errors to indicate that the customer address does not exist.
The test codes show the following:

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


質問 # 45
A third-party company needs to create an application that will integrate the Adobe Commerce system to get orders data for reporting. The integration needs access to the get /vi/orders endpoint. It will call this endpoint automatically every hour around the clock. The merchant wants the ability to restrict or extend access to resources as well as to revoke the access using Admin Panel.
Which type of authentication available in Adobe Commerce should be used and implemented in a third-party system for this integration?

  • A. Use token-based authentication to obtain an Integration Token. Integration will be created and activated in the admin panel using default integration token settings to get access to the token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.
  • B. Use OAuth-based authentication to provide access to system resources. Integration will be registered by the merchant in the panel an OAuth handshake during activation. The third-party system should follow OAuth protocol to authorize.
  • C. Use token-based authentication to obtain the Admin Token. The third-party system will utilize the REST endpoint using the admin username and password to get the Admin Token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.


According to the documentation1, token-based authentication is a simple way to access resources using an access token that is generated when an integration is activated. OAuth-based authentication is a more secure way to access resources using a consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret that are generated when an integration is registered and authorized.
Based on these definitions, I would say that the type of authentication that should be used and implemented in a third-party system for this integration is:
* B. Use OAuth-based authentication to provide access to system resources. Integration will be registered
* by the merchant in the panel an OAuth handshake during activation. The third-party system should follow OAuth protocol to authorize.

質問 # 46
A third-party company needs to create an application that will integrate the Adobe Commerce system to get orders data for reporting. The integration needs access to the get /vi/orders endpoint. It will call this endpoint automatically every hour around the clock. The merchant wants the ability to restrict or extend access to resources as well as to revoke the access using Admin Panel.
Which type of authentication available in Adobe Commerce should be used and implemented in a third-party system for this integration?

  • A. Use token-based authentication to obtain an Integration Token. Integration will be created and activated in the admin panel using default integration token settings to get access to the token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.
  • B. Use OAuth-based authentication to provide access to system resources. Integration will be registered by the merchant in the panel an OAuth handshake during activation. The third-party system should follow OAuth protocol to authorize.
  • C. Use token-based authentication to obtain the Admin Token. The third-party system will utilize the REST endpoint using the admin username and password to get the Admin Token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.


To create an application that will integrate the Adobe Commerce system to get orders data for reporting using the get /v1/orders endpoint, you should use OAuth-based authentication to provide access to system resources. OAuth is a token-passing mechanism that allows a system to control which third-party applications have access to internal data without revealing or storing any user IDs or passwords. The integration will be registered by the merchant in the admin panel and will perform an OAuth handshake during activation. The third-party system should follow OAuth protocol to authorize. The merchant will have the ability to restrict or extend access to resources as well as to revoke the access using Admin Panel. Reference: 1
1: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/get-started/authentication/gs-authentication-oauth.html

質問 # 47
An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to set up two websites on a single Adobe Commerce instance with base URLs: example.com and website2.example.com.
How should the Architect configure this project so that both websites can use the same customer base?

  • A. Set Cookie Domain for both websites to ".example.com"
  • B. Change Session Cookie attribute to "SameSite=None"
  • C. Disable Session Validation for "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" header


By setting the same cookie domain for both websites, the customer base can be shared between both websites, as the customer will be authenticated by the same cookie across both sites. This will ensure that customers don't have to log in twice when switching between the two sites.
Setting Cookie Domain for both websites to ".example.com" will allow both websites to use the same customer base. This is because the cookie domain determines which websites can access the customer information stored in the cookie. By using a common domain, both websites can share the same customer cookie. See Multiple websites or stores in the Adobe Commerce Help Center1. Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/multi-sites/ms-overview.html?lang=en1

質問 # 48
An Adobe Commerce system is configured to run in a multi-tier architecture that includes:
* A cache server with Varnish installed
* A backend web server with Adobe Commerce installed
* A database server with MySQL installed
When an Adobe Commerce Architect tries to clean the cache from the Store Admin by using the "Flush Magento Cache" in Cache Management, the Full Page Cache does not clear.
Which two steps should the Architect take to make the Full Page Cache work properly? (Choose two.)

  • A. Set the backend port destination to the frontend server's Varnish port in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Port
  • B. Use "Flush Cache Storage" instead of "Flush Magento Cache"
  • C. Set the cache destination host using magento CLI bin/magento setup:config:set --http-cache-hosts<cache_server>:<varrnish port>
  • D. Set the backend destination host to the frontend server's address in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Host
  • E. Set the cache type to "Varnish Caching" in the Store Admin.
    Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Caching Application


To use Varnish as the full page cache, the cache type must be set to "Varnish Caching" in the Store Admin. This will enable the "Flush Magento Cache" button to send a purge request to Varnish. Additionally, the cache destination host must be specified using the magento CLI command to tell Magento which Varnish servers to purge. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/config-guide/varnish/config-varnish.html

質問 # 49
An Adobe Commerce Architect is asked by a merchant using B2B features to help with a configuration issue.
The Architect creates a test Company Account and wants to create Approval Rules for orders. The Approval Rules tab does not appear in the Company section in the Customer Account Menu when the Architect logs in using the Company Administrator account.
Which two steps must be taken to fix this issue? (Choose two.)

  • A. Set Enable Purchase Orders' on the Company Record to TRUE
  • B. Set 'Enable Purchase Orders' in the B2B Admin to TRUE
  • C. Merchant needs to log out of frontend and then log back in to load new permissions
  • D. Make sure that the 'Purchase Order' payment method is active
  • E. Set 'Enable B2B Quote" in the B2B Admin to TRUE


Enabling Purchase Orders at both the B2B Admin and the Company Record levels is necessary for Approval Rules to appear in the Company section of the Customer Account Menu. When 'Enable Purchase Orders' is set to TRUE, the system assumes that the company will be making purchases using purchase orders, and the Approval Rules tab becomes visible.

質問 # 50
An Architect working on a headless Adobe Commerce project creates a new customer attribute named my_attribure. Based on the attribute value of the customer, the results of GraphQI queries are modified using a plugin. The frontend application is communicating with Adobe Commerce through Varnish by Fastly, which is already caching the queries that will be modified. The Adobe Commerce Fastly extension is installed, and no other modifications are made to the application.
Which steps should the Architect take to make sure the vcl_hash function of Varnish also considers the newly created attribute?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


Option B is the correct way to make sure the vcl_hash function of Varnish also considers the newly created attribute. The Architect should create a new module that depends on Magento_Fastly and declare a plugin for \Magento\Fastly\Model\Config::getVclSnippets() method. The plugin should add a new snippet to the result array with the type 'recv' and the content 'set req.http.my_attribute = req.http.X-Magento-Vary;'. This will append the value of the customer attribute to the hash key used by Varnish for caching. Option A is incorrect because it modifies the core file of Magento_Fastly module, which is not recommended and can cause issues during upgrades. Option C is incorrect because it uses the wrong type and content for the snippet, which will not affect the vcl_hash function. Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/cloud/cdn/fastly-vcl-bypass-to-origin.html

質問 # 51
An Adobe Commerce Architect designs a data flow that contains a new product type with its own custom pricing logic to meet a merchant requirement.
Which three developments are valid when reviewing the implementation? (Choose three.)

  • A. Content of the etc/product_types.xml file
  • B. Hydrator for attributes belonging to the new product type
  • C. New price model extending \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price
  • D. A new class with custom pricing logic, extending the abstract Product model class
  • E. Data patch to register the new product type
  • F. Custom type model extended from the abstract Product Type model


To create a new product type, you need to extend the abstract Product Type model and register it using a data patch. You also need to create a new price model that extends \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price and implements the custom pricing logic.

質問 # 52
