[2024年01月15日] AD0-E717 PDF問題集にはあなたに不可欠なAD0-E717試験解答を合格に繋ぐ! [Q30-Q45]


[2024年01月15日] AD0-E717 PDF問題集にはあなたに不可欠なAD0-E717試験解答を合格に繋ぐ!


Adobe AD0-E717 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • 既存の製品タイプに変更を適用し、新しい製品タイプを作成する
  • Adob​​e Commerce Cloud CLI ツールを使用して分岐を説明する
トピック 2
  • 与えられたシナリオに基づいて、基本的なチェックアウトの変更を説明します
  • モデル、リソース モデル、およびコレクションについて説明します
トピック 3
  • クラウド ユーザー管理とオンボーディング UI の基本知識を理解する
  • マルチソース在庫が在庫にどのような影響を与えるかを説明する (プログラム レベル)
トピック 4
  • さまざまなタイプの属性について説明する
  • ACL がロールおよびリソースとどのように連携するかを説明する
トピック 5
  • クラウド プロジェクト ファイル、権限、構造について説明します
  • クラウド サービスに接続する方法を特定しますか? (私の SQL、Redis、トンネル:情報)


質問 # 30
In a new release of a module, a developer decides to rename a table that was defined in the earlier versions.
Which action, if any, allows the developer to prevent data loss?

  • A. Declarative schema supports RENAME TABLE', so the data will be migrated to the new table automatically.
  • B. Define onCreate="migrateDataFromAnotherTable(old_table_name)" attribute in the table tag.
  • C. Define the table and columns mapping in the db.schema_whitelist.json


To prevent data loss when renaming a table that was defined in the earlier versions of a module, the developer should define onCreate="migrateDataFromAnotherTable(old_table_name)" attribute in the table tag of the db_schema.xml file. This attribute will instruct Adobe Commerce to copy all data from the old table to the new table during installation or upgrade.
Declarative schema does not support RENAME TABLE statement, so the data will not be migrated to the new table automatically. The db.schema_whitelist.json file is used to whitelist changes that are allowed for backward compatibility, not for data migration.
Verified References: Adobe Commerce Developer Guide - Declare schema and data patches

質問 # 31
What is one purpose of a customer data JS library?

  • A. It stores the customer's username and password for easier frontend login.
  • B. It stores the customers credit card info for usage in the checkout.
  • C. It stores private customer data in local storage


The customer data JS library is used to store private customer data in local storage. This data can be used to improve the customer's experience on the store, such as by remembering their shipping address or their preferred payment method.

質問 # 32
A custom theme Is being developed in the Adobe Commerce store, and the developer needs to override the current parent theme styles.
Which less file should the developer use to achieve this goal?

  • A. _hemeless
  • B. _source.less
  • C. _theme.override.less


To override the current parent theme styles, you can use the_theme.override.lessfile. This file is located in theview/{area}/web/css/sourcedirectory.

質問 # 33
How are multiple EAV attributes belonging to the same entity grouped in the database?

  • A. Based on the types of values they contain
  • B. Based on the sizes of values they contain
  • C. Based on all numeric values being stored in one table while text values are stored in the other


Multiple EAV attributes belonging to the same entity are grouped in the database based on their data types, such as datetime, decimal, int, text, or varchar. For example, allattributes with datetime values are stored in one table, while all attributes with text values are stored in another table.
The sizes or numeric/text values of attributes do not determine how they are grouped in the database.
Verified References: [Adobe Commerce Developer Guide - EAV data model]

質問 # 34
A developer is tasked with creating a new feature in an Adobe Commerce Cloud project. The developer decides to create an integration environment for a better development process.
Which Cloud CLI for Commerce command would the developer use?

  • A. magento-cloud create:environment-branch <environment-name> <parent-environment-ID>
  • B. magento-cloud environment:branch <environment-name> <parent-environment-ID>
  • C. magento-cloud environment:create:branch environment-name > <parent-environment-ID>


The Cloud CLI for Commerce command that a developer would use to create an integration environment for a better development process is magento-cloud environment:branch <environment-name>
<parent-environment-ID>. This command creates a new branch in the Git repository and a new environment in the Cloud project, using the specified parent environment as a base. The new environment inherits the code, data, and media files from the parent environment.

質問 # 35
A developer is working on a task that includes a custom controller creation. A controller should forward the request to a different action.
How can the developer complete this task?

  • A. Specify the forward action in the controllerjorward.xml configuration file.
  • B. Return the forward object with action as an argument in the object's forward method
  • C. Implement a forwardToAction method in the controller, and return the action where the request should be forwarded.


To forward the request to a different action, the developer can use the following code in the controller:
return $resultForward->forward('action');
where $resultForward is an instance of \Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\ForwardInterface and 'action' is the name of the action where the request should be forwarded.
There is no controllerjorward.xml configuration file or forwardToAction method in Adobe Commerce.
Verified References: [Adobe Commerce Developer Guide - Forward action result]

質問 # 36
How would a developer access RabbitMQ data on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Production environment?

  • A. Using local port forwarding
  • B. Using Project Web Interface
  • C. Using RabbitMyAdmin


The way a developer would access RabbitMQ data on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Production environment is by using local port forwarding. This method allows the developer to connect to the RabbitMQ service instance through an SSH tunnel and access the RabbitMQ Management UI from a web browser. The developer needs to use the magento-cloud ssh command to establish the SSH connection and the
$MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS variable to retrieve the RabbitMQ connection details and login credentials.

質問 # 37
Which CLI command should be used to determine that static content signing is enabled?

  • A. bin/magento config:show dev/static/sign/status
  • B. bin/magento config:show dev/static/sign
  • C. bin/magento config:show dev/static/status


The bin/magento config:show dev/static/sign/status CLI command can be used to determine if static content signing is enabled in Magento. If static content signing is enabled, the output of the command will include the following message:
static content signing is enabled

質問 # 38
What action can be performed from the Cloud Project Portal (Onboarding Ul) of an Adobe Commerce Cloud project?

  • A. Set your developer SSH public key.
  • B. Add a Technical Admin
  • C. Update Project and environment variables


質問 # 39
A product has been added to the Adobe Commerce Store, and it contains a value for the custom product attribute. A merchant reports that the attribute value is not displayed in the Additional Information tab on the product detail page.
Which action will correct this problem?

  • A. The attribute property "Use in Product Tab' must be set to "yes"
  • B. The attribute must be moved to the specific group in the attribute set
  • C. The attribute property "Visible on Catalog Pages on Storefront" must be set to "yes".


The "Visible on Catalog Pages on Storefront" attribute property determines whether or not the attribute value is displayed in the Additional Information tab on the product detail page. If this property is set to "no", the attribute value will not be displayed.

質問 # 40
Which file on an Adobe Commerce Cloud project allows a developer to upgrade the PHP version and enable/disable a PHP extension?

  • A. magento.app.yaal
  • B. php.ini
  • C. .magento. env. yaml


The php.ini file is used to configure the PHP settings for an Adobe Commerce Cloud project. This file can be used to upgrade the PHP version and enable/disable PHP extensions.

質問 # 41
A developer needs to initialize the jQuery Ul widget for a specific HTML tag. Which HTML attribute is used for this?

  • A. data-ui
  • B. x-magento-init
  • C. data-mage-init


The data-mage-init HTML attribute is used to initialize the jQuery UI widget for a specific HTML tag. This attribute specifies the name of the widget and its configuration options as a JSON object.
The x-magento-init HTML attribute is used to initialize RequireJS modules for a specific HTML tag. The data-ui HTML attribute does not exist in Adobe Commerce.
Verified References: [Adobe Commerce Developer Guide - Initialize JavaScript components using the data-mage-init attribute]

質問 # 42
Which file should a developer use to set the default value when creating configuration fields for admin?

  • A. etc/adminhtml/system.xml
  • B. etc/config xml
  • C. etc/adminhtml/config.xml


To set the default value when creating configuration fields for admin, a developer should use theetc/adminhtml/system.xmlfile. This file contains the configuration for the admin panel, and the developer can add a new configuration field with a default value by using the following code:

質問 # 43
What action can be performed from the Cloud Project Portal (Onboarding Ul) of an Adobe Commerce Cloud project?

  • A. Set your developer SSH public key.
  • B. Update Project and environment variables
  • C. Add a Technical Admin


The Cloud Project Portal (Onboarding UI) of an Adobe Commerce Cloud project is a web interface that allows you to perform various actions related to your project, such as creating and managing environments, deploying code, configuring services, and adding users1. One of the actions that you can perform from the Cloud Project Portal is adding a Technical Admin, which is a user role that has full access to all environments and can perform any action on the project2. To add a Technical Admin from the Cloud Project Portal, you need to follow these steps2:
Log in to the Cloud Project Portal with your Magento account credentials.
Click on the Users tab on the left sidebar.
Click on the Add User button on the top right corner.
Enter the email address of the user you want to add as a Technical Admin.
Select the Technical Admin role from the Role dropdown menu.
Click on the Send Invitation button.
The user will receive an email invitation to join your project as a Technical Admin. They will need to accept the invitation and set up their account before they can access your project2.

質問 # 44
Which command invalidates the index?

  • A. bin/magento Indexerinvalldate <lndex_name>
  • B. bin/magento indexer:reset <index_name>
  • C. bin/magento indexerreindex <index_name>


The command bin/magento indexer:reset <index_name> sets the status of the specified index to
"Invalid". This means that the index needs to be updated before it can be used by Magento1.

質問 # 45

AD0-E717リアル試験問題と正確なAdobe Commerce Developer ProfessionalPDF解答:https://www.goshiken.com/Adobe/AD0-E717-mondaishu.html
