合格目指せPCAP-31-03試験最新のPCAP-31-03試験問題集PDF 2024年更新 [Q78-Q97]


合格目指せPCAP-31-03試験最新のPCAP-31-03試験問題集PDF 2024年更新


Python Institute PCAP-31-03試験は、Pythonプログラミングの熟練度を証明するための優れた方法です。この認定は、世界的に認められ、IT業界での雇用を求める人々にとって貴重な資産となります。基礎的なプログラミングコンセプトから高度なものまで包括的にカバーしており、初心者から経験豊富なプログラマーまで、どなたでも受験することができます。

Python InstituteのPCAP-31-03(Pythonプログラミングの認定アソシエイト)認定試験は、Pythonプログラミングにおけるスキルを証明するために受験する個人にとって、グローバルに認知される資格です。この認定試験は、初心者や中級レベルのプログラマーを対象としており、Pythonプログラミングの基本的な概念やスキルをカバーしています。


質問 # 78
What is the expected out of the following code of the file named zero_length_existing_file is a zero-length file located inside the working directory?

  • A. 0
  • B. an errno value corresponding to file not found
  • C. 1
  • D. 2


質問 # 79
What is true about the following snippet? (Select two answers)

  • A. thestring it's niceto see youwill be seen
  • B. the string what a pity will be seen
  • C. the code will raise an unhandled exception
  • D. the siring I feel fine 'will be seen


質問 # 80
Which of the following statements are true? (Select two answers)

  • A. UTF-8 is one of the ways of representing UNICODE code points.
  • B. an escape sequence can be recognized by the # sign put in front of it.
  • C. ASCII is the name of a character coding standard
  • D. a code point is a point inside the code when execution stops immediately


質問 # 81
A method for passing the arguments used by the following snippet is called:

  • A. positional
  • B. named
  • C. sequential
  • D. keyword


質問 # 82
Which of the equations are True? (Select two answers)

  • A. chr (ord (x)) = = x
  • B. chr (chr (x)) = = x
  • C. ord (chr (x)) = = x
  • D. ord (ord (x)) = = x



質問 # 83
What is the expected behavior of the following snippet?

It will:

  • A. print 1
  • B. print [1J
  • C. cause a runtime exception
  • D. print 0 , [1]



質問 # 84
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. the code is erroneus and it will not execute
  • B. it outputs [4, 2]
  • C. it outputs [2, 4]
  • D. it outputs [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]


質問 # 85
How many elements will the list2 list contain after execution of the following snippet?
list1 = [False for i in range (1, 10) ]
list2 = list1 [-1:1:-1]

  • A. three
  • B. zero
  • C. seven
  • D. five



質問 # 86
Which of the following statements are true? (Select two answers)

  • A. an escape sequence can be recognized by the # sign put in front of it.
  • B. UTF-8 is one of the ways of representing UNICODE code points.
  • C. a code point is a point inside the code when execution stops immediately
  • D. ASCII is the name of a character coding standard


質問 # 87
The following class hierarchy is given. What is the expected output of the code?

  • A. AA
  • B. BC
  • C. BB
  • D. CC


質問 # 88
Which of the following expressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)

  • A. 'not' not in 'in'
  • B. 'a' not in 'ABC' .lower ()
  • C. ' t '.upper () in 'Thames'
  • D. 'in not' in 'not'


質問 # 89
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs False
  • B. it outputs nothing
  • C. it outputs True
  • D. it raises an exception


質問 # 90
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs 3
  • B. it outputs :
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. the code is erroneous and it will not execute


質問 # 91
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs 3
  • B. it outputs 1
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. the code is erroneous and it will not execute


質問 # 92
Which of the following lines of code will work flawlessly when put independently inside the inc ( ) method in order to make the snippet's output equal to 3? (Select two answers)

  • A. self.put (get ( ) + vaI)
  • B. self.put (self.prop + vaI)
  • C. self.put (self.get ( ) + vaI)
  • D. put (self.prop + vaI)


質問 # 93
What is true about Object-Oriented Programming in Python? (Select two answers)

  • A. encapsulation allows you to protect some data from uncontrolled access
  • B. inheritance is the relation between a superclass and a subclass
  • C. an object is a recipe for a class
  • D. the arrows on a class diagram are always directed from a superclass towards its subclass


質問 # 94
Assuming that the following piece of code has been executed successfully, which of the expressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)

  • A. hasattr(obj_b, 'prop_aa')
  • B. isinstance(obj_c,A)
  • C. B.VarA == 3
  • D. obj_b.prop_a == 3


質問 # 95
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs 1
  • B. it outputs 3
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. the code is erroneous and it will not execute


質問 # 96
Assuming that the following code has been executed successfully, selected the expression which evaluate to True (Select two answers)

  • A. a is not None
  • B. b ( ) == 4
  • C. a ( ) == 4
  • D. a ! = b


質問 # 97

PCAP-31-03認定試験は、個人がPythonプログラミングでスキルと知識を実証するのに最適な方法です。 Pythonプログラミングの基礎に強い基盤を提供するため、プログラミングでキャリアを始めたばかりの人にとって特に便利です。さらに、この認定は、個人が混雑した雇用市場で際立っていることを支援し、収益の可能性を高めることができます。


