無料ダウンロードPython Institute PCAP-31-03リアル試験問題ゲットせよ [Q51-Q71]


無料ダウンロードPython Institute PCAP-31-03リアル試験問題ゲットせよ

最新のPython Institute PCAP-31-03リアル試験問題集PDF

質問 # 51
What is the expected output of the following code if there is no file named non existing_file inside the working directory?

  • A. 1 3
  • B. 1 2 3
  • C. 2 2
  • D. 2 2 3


質問 # 52
Assuming that the snippet below has been executed successfully, which of the following expressions will evaluate to True? (Select two answers) string = 'SKY' (:: -1) string = string (-1)

  • A. len (string) == 1
  • B. string is None
  • C. string (0) == 'Y'
  • D. string (0) == string (-1


質問 # 53
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it raises an exception
  • B. it outputs 0
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. it outputs 1


質問 # 54
Which of the following expressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)

  • A. 'phd' in 'alpha'
  • B. 'deb' not in 'abcde' [::-1]
  • C. 'True' not in 'False'
  • D. str(1-1) in '0123456739'[:2]


質問 # 55
Assuming that the math module has been successfully imported, which of the following expressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)

  • A. math. hypot (2,5) == math.true (2.5)
  • B. math. cell (2,5) == math.floor (2.5)
  • C. math. hypot (2,5) == math.truec (2.5)
  • D. math. hypot (3,4) == math.sqrt (25)


質問 # 56
What is the expected output of the following code?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. an exception is raised
  • D. 2


質問 # 57
Select the valid fun () invocations:
(select two answers)
def fun (a, b=0):
return a*b

  • A. fun (1)
  • B. fun(b=1)
  • C. fun (a=0)
  • D. fun(b=1, 0)


質問 # 58
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs 3
  • B. the code is erroneous and it will not execute
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. it outputs 1


質問 # 59
Which of the following snippets will execute without raising any unhandled exceptions? (Select answers) A)




  • A. Option D
  • B. Option B
  • C. Option A
  • D. Option C


質問 # 60
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs 3
  • B. the code is erroneous and it will not execute
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. it outputs 1


質問 # 61
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it raises an exception
  • B. it outputs 0
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. it outputs 1


質問 # 62
What is true about Python packages? (Select two answers)

  • A. a code designed to initialize a package's state should be placed inside a file named init.py
  • B. _pycache_is a folder that stores semi-completed Python modules
  • C. a package contents can be stored and distributed as an mp3 file
  • D. the sys.path variable is a list of strings


質問 # 63
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs 0
  • B. it raises an exception
  • C. it outputs 2
  • D. it outputs 1


質問 # 64
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

It will:

  • A. print 4321
  • B. cause a runtime exception
  • C. print <generator object f at (some hex digits)>
  • D. print 1234



質問 # 65
With regards to the directory structure below, select the proper forms of the directives in order to import module_a. (Select two answers)

  • A. import module_a
  • B. import pypack.module_a
  • C. from pypack import module_a
  • D. import module_a from pypack


質問 # 66
What is true about Python class constructors? (Choose two.)

  • A. the constructor is a method named __init__
  • B. the constructor must have at least one parameter
  • C. the constructor must return a value other than None
  • D. there can be more than one constructor in a Python class


質問 # 67
What is the expected behavior of the following code?

  • A. it outputs 1
  • B. the code is erroneous and it will not execute
  • C. it outputs 3
  • D. it outputs 2


質問 # 68
What is the expected output of the following snippet?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 3



質問 # 69
How many lines does the following snippet output?

  • A. two
  • B. three
  • C. four
  • D. one


質問 # 70
Which one of the platform module functions should be used to determine the underlying platform name?

  • A. platform.uname ()
  • B. platform.python_version()
  • C. platform.processor()
  • D. platform.platform ()


質問 # 71

PDF問題(2023年最新)実際のPython Institute PCAP-31-03試験問題:https://www.goshiken.com/Python-Institute/PCAP-31-03-mondaishu.html
