最新の2024年04月 Adobe AD0-E720問題集で更新された52問あります [Q24-Q49]


最新の2024年04月 Adobe AD0-E720問題集で更新された52問あります


質問 # 24
What is the difference between styles-l.less and styles-m.less ?

  • A. styles-i.less is used to generate desktop-specific styles and stytes-m.less is used to generate only mobile-specific styles.
  • B. styles-i.less is used to generate basic and mobile-specific styles and stytes-m.less is used to generate desktop-specific styles.
  • C. styles-i.less is used to generate desktop-specific styles and stytes-m.less is used to generate basic and mobile-specific styles.


The styles-l.less and styles-m.less files are two main LESS files that are used to generate CSS files for different devices and screen sizes. The styles-l.less file is used to generate styles-l.css, which contains desktop-specific styles that are applied only when the screen width is greater than 768px. The styles-m.less file is used to generate styles-m.css, which contains basic and mobile-specific styles that are applied for all devices and screen sizes. The other options are not correct and do not reflect the purpose of these files. References:
[Stylesheets], [Responsive web design]

質問 # 25
An Adobe Commerce developer has been asked to implement a custom font specifically for emails. The Adobe Commerce developer has already added their font into the file system.
Keeping best practice in mind, which two files would need to be implemented to show the custom font in the email?

  • A. Add the font-family into the <head></head> of the email within the email template.
  • B. Add in a lib-font-face mixin with the custom font name into the newly created file.
  • C. /Vendor/Theme/web/css/source/_extend.less
    Use the ^import font function with the url of the custom font from the theme.
    /Vendor/Theme/web/css/source/_email.less file
  • D. Add in the styles to target the elements that require being changed.


To implement a custom font specifically for emails, the developer needs to do the following steps:
Add the custom font file to the web/fonts directory of the custom theme.
Use the @import font function with the url of the custom font from the theme in the
/Vendor/Theme/web/css/source/_extend.less file. This will import the custom font and make it available for use in other LESS files. For example:
@import font('custom-font', '@{baseDir}fonts/custom-font.ttf', 'truetype'); Add in the styles to target the elements that require being changed in the
/Vendor/Theme/web/css/source/_email.less file. This file is used to define the styles for email templates.
The developer can use the .lib-font-face() mixin to apply the custom font to specific selectors. For example:
lib-font-face( @family-name: @custom-font, @font-path: '@{baseDir}fonts/custom-font', @font-weight:
normal, @font-style: normal );
h1 { .lib-font-face( @family-name: @custom-font, @font-path: '@{baseDir}fonts/custom-font',
@font-weight: normal, @font-style: normal ); }
The /vendor/Theme/web/css/source/_typography.less file is not suitable for implementing a custom font for emails, as it is used for defining global typography styles for web pages. The <head></head> tag is not used for adding fonts in email templates, as it is not supported by most email clients. References: [Custom fonts],
[Email templates overview]

質問 # 26
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to pass JSON data to a JavaScript component while keeping XSS prevention strategies in mind.
Which two options would the developer use? (Choose two.)

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.


To pass JSON data to a JavaScript component while keeping XSS prevention strategies in mind, the developer should use the following options:
Option A: Use the x-magento-init script tag with the data-mage-init attribute and the JSON.parse function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is secure because it does not use any HTML tags or attributes that can be exploited by XSS attacks.
Option C: Use the text/x-magento-init script tag with the type attribute and the JSON.parse function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is secure because it does not use any HTML tags or attributes that can be exploited by XSS attacks.
The following options are not secure and should not be used:
Option B: Use the script tag with the type attribute and the escapeHtmlAttr function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is not secure because it uses the escapeHtmlAttr function, which is meant for escaping HTML attributes, not JSON data. This function can introduce double quotes in the JSON data, which can break the JSON syntax and cause errors.
Option D: Use the script tag with the type attribute and the escapeJsQuote function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is not secure because it uses the escapeJsQuote function, which is meant for escaping JavaScript strings, not JSON data. This function can introduce backslashes in the JSON data, which can break the JSON syntax and cause errors.

質問 # 27
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Which two methods can they use to turn on template hints? (Choose two.)

  • A. In the Admin, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug.
    Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes
  • B. On the command line, run the command; php bin/magento setup:enable-template-hints
  • C. In the Admin, navigate to system > Advanced > Template > Developer > Debug.
    Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes
  • D. On the command line, run the command; php bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable


Template hints are a useful tool for frontend developers to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Template hints can be turned on using either of these two methods:
In the Admin Panel, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug. Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes On the command line, run the command; php bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable The other two options are incorrect because they do not exist as valid methods to turn on template hints.
References: Adobe Commerce Developer Documentation, Adobe Inc.

質問 # 28
An Adobe Commerce developer is trying to remove a block using the <remove name="test.block'/> tag in a layout XML file but it shows an error and doesn't work.
Which tag would be applied to fix the error?

  • A. Use<referenceBlock name="test.block" delete="true'7>
  • B. Use <remove name="Custom_Module:test.block"/>
  • C. US6 <referenceBlock name="test.block" remove="true"/>


To remove a block using layout XML, the developer should use the <referenceBlock> tag with the name attribute specifying the name of the block and the remove attribute set to true. For example:
<referenceBlock name="test.block" remove="true"/>
This will remove the block from the layout and prevent it from rendering. The <remove> tag is not valid and will cause an error. The name attribute should not include the module name, as it is not part of the block name.
The delete attribute is not valid and will not work. References: [Layout instructions], [Remove an element]

質問 # 29
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to improve the time of first render of the pages. How would the developer achieve this?

  • A. Use the quick static files deployment strategy
  • B. Enable JavaScript minification
  • C. Enable CSS critical path
  • D. Enable CSS file merging


CSS critical path is a feature that improves the time of first render of the pages by inlining the CSS rules that are required to render the above-the-fold content of the page. This reduces the number of requests and bytes that need to be downloaded before the page is rendered. CSS critical path can be enabled in the Admin Panel by navigating to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > CSS Settings and setting Enable CSS Critical Path to Yes. References: Adobe Commerce Developer Documentation, Adobe Inc.

質問 # 30
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to apply a knockout binding to a <div> to run a function, onClick(), when it's clicked. Which two solutions would the developer use to achieve this? (Choose two.)

  • A. <div data-bind="click: onClick"></div>
  • B. <div click=,,onClick"X/div>
  • C. <div><!-- ko click: 'onClick' --> <!-- /ko --></div>
  • D. <div data-bind="click: onClick()"><x/div>


To apply a knockout binding to a <div> to run a function, onClick(), when it's clicked, the developer can use either of the following solutions:
A: <div data-bind="click: onClick()"></div>: This solution will use the click binding to execute the onClick() function as an expression when the <div> is clicked. The function will be called with the current binding context as the first parameter and the event object as the second parameter.
C: <div data-bind="click: onClick"></div>: This solution will use the click binding to execute the onClick function as a reference when the <div> is clicked. The function will be called with the current binding context as the first parameter and the event object as the second parameter.
The following solutions are not valid and will not work:
B: <div><!-- ko click: 'onClick' --><!-- /ko --></div>: This solution will use the virtual element syntax to apply the click binding, but it will pass a string literal instead of a function expression or reference.
This will cause an error, as the click binding expects a function value.
D: <div click="onClick"></div>: This solution will use a custom attribute instead of a data-bind attribute to apply the click binding. This is not supported by knockout and will not have any effect.

質問 # 31
An Adobe Commerce developer was asked to customize a JavaScript component which is written as a function. How would the developer extend the native JavaScript function?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


To customize a JavaScript component that is written as a function, the developer can use option A. This option will use the prototype property of the function to extend its functionality and add new methods or properties.
For example:
function Component() { // Component logic }
Component.prototype.customMethod = function() { // Custom method logic }; This will create a new method called customMethod on the prototype of the Component function, which can be accessed by any instance of the Component object. The developer can also override existing methods or properties on the prototype by reassigning them with new values.
Option B is not correct because it will not extend the native JavaScript function, but create a new function that wraps the original function. This will not allow the developer to access or modify the properties or methods of the original function. Option C is not correct because it will not extend the native JavaScript function, but create a new object that inherits from the original function. This will not allow the developer to customize the original function itself, but only its instances.

質問 # 32
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to modify the width and height of all product images inside the theme Vendor/theme. What file inside the theme is responsible for these changes?

  • A. Vendor/theme/etc/theme.xml
  • B. Vendor/theme/etc/images.xml
  • C. Vendor/theme/etc/view.xml


To modify the width and height of all product images inside a theme, the developer needs to edit the view.xml file inside the etc directory of the theme. The view.xml file contains the configuration for the theme's images, fonts, and layout. The images.xml file does not exist by default and is not used for configuring images. The theme.xml file is used for specifying the parent theme and other metadata of the theme. References:
[view.xml], [theme.xml]

質問 # 33
In which folder can a custom theme favicon be added?

  • A. <your_theme_dir>/web/
  • B. <your_theme_dir>/assets/images
  • C. <your_theme_dir>/Magento_Theme/web/


The favicon can be added to the <your_theme_dir>/Magento_Theme/web/ directory of a custom theme. The favicon should have the name favicon.ico and replace the default one from the Magento_Theme module. The
<your_theme_dir>/web/ directory is used for storing web assets that are not specific to any module. The
<your_theme_dir>/assets/images directory does not exist by default and is not used for storing favicons.
References: [Add a favicon], [Theme structure]

質問 # 34
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to create a sticky widget.
How would the widget be initialized using the data-mage-init attribute?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


Option B is the correct way to initialize a widget using the data-mage-init attribute. The attribute value should be a JSON object with the widget name as the key and the widget options as the value. Option A is incorrect because it uses a string instead of an object for the attribute value. Option C is incorrect because it uses a colon instead of a comma to separate the widget name and the options.

質問 # 35
An Adobe Commerce Developer is adding a new page layout to the theme directory within a custom theme.
Which file needs to be created to register the new page layout?

  • A. app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/layouts. xml
  • B. app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layout/layouts.xml
  • C. app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layouts.xnil


To register a new page layout in a custom theme, the developer needs to create a layouts.xml file in the app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layout directory. The layouts.xml file should contain the <layout> element with the id, label, and file attributes. The id attribute is used to reference the layout in other layout files, the label attribute is used to display the layout name in the admin panel, and the file attribute is used to specify the path to the layout file relative to the web directory of the theme. The app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/layouts.xml and app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layouts.xml files are not valid and will not work. References: [Create a new page layout], [layouts.xml]

質問 # 36
an Adobe commerce developer wants to override the core Magento Ul library dropdowns in your theme.
Which is the correct way to achieve this?

  • A. /web/css/source/_dropdowns.less
  • B. lib/web/css/source/.dropdowns.less
  • C. /web/css/source/lib/.dropdowns.less


To override the core Magento UI library dropdowns in a custom theme, the developer needs to create a file named _dropdowns.less in the /web/css/source directory of the theme. This file will override the default
_dropdowns.less file from the lib/web/css/source/lib directory and apply the custom styles to the dropdown elements. The lib/web/css/source/_dropdowns.less and /web/css/source/lib/_dropdowns.less files are not valid and will not work, as they do not follow the theme structure or the naming convention. References:
[Dropdowns], [Theme structure]

質問 # 37
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to add a conditional static note depending on whether the order type is virtual or not. Which option would the developer use to add the conditional text in the email template?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


Option B is the correct way to add a conditional static note depending on whether the order type is virtual or not in the email template. Option B uses the {{trans}} directive to translate the text and the {{depend}} directive to check the value of the order.is_virtual variable. If the order is virtual, the text "Shipping not required." will be displayed. Option A and Option C are incorrect because they use the wrong syntax for the
{{trans}} and {{depend}} directives. Option A uses curly braces instead of parentheses for the {{trans}} directive and does not use quotes for the text. Option C uses parentheses instead of curly braces for the
{{depend}} directive and does not use a dot to access the order.is_virtual variable.

質問 # 38
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to alias URLs and third party libraries inside a require js-config.js file.
Which configuration would the developer use?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


To alias URLs and third party libraries inside a requirejs-config.js file, the developer should use the paths configuration option. This option allows the developer to map module names to URLs or paths relative to the baseUrl. For example:
var config = { paths: { 'jquery': 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min', 'custom':
'Vendor_Module/js/custom' } };
This will map the module name 'jquery' to the URL of the jQuery library and the module name 'custom' to the path of the custom module. The developer can then use these module names in other modules or files without specifying the full URL or path.
Option A is not correct because it uses the shim configuration option, which is used to define dependencies and exports for non-AMD modules, not to alias URLs or paths. Option C is not correct because it uses the map configuration option, which is used to map module names to other module names for specific contexts, not to alias URLs or paths. References: [RequireJS configuration], [RequireJS paths]

質問 # 39
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to create symlinks for the frontend theme named Vendor/Orange using a CSS file: <magento_root>/pub/static/frontend/Vendor/Orange/en_US/css/styles-l.css during development.
Which CLI command would the developer use to create symlinks for the en_US locale?

  • A. bin/magento dev:theme:deploy --locale="en__US" --theme="Vendor/Orange" css/styles-1
  • B. bin/magento dev:source-theme:deploy --type=Mless" --locale="en_US" --theme="Vendor/Orange" css/styles-1
  • C. bin/magento deploy:mode:set theme --locale="en_US" --area="frontend" css/styles-1


The bin/magento dev:source-theme:deploy command is used to create symlinks for frontend theme files during development. This command allows the developer to modify source files without running static content deployment every time. The developer can use parameters to specify the type, locale, theme, and file names for creating symlinks. For example, to create symlinks for a CSS file named styles-l.css for the Vendor/Orange theme and the en_US locale, the developer can use:
bin/magento dev:source-theme:deploy --type=less --locale=en_US --theme=Vendor/Orange css/styles-l The other two options are incorrect because they do not create symlinks for frontend theme files. The bin/magento dev:theme:deploy command is used to register themes with Magento and clear caches. The bin/magento deploy:mode:set command is used to change the application mode. References: Adobe Commerce Developer Documentation, Adobe Inc.

質問 # 40
An Adobe Commerce developer has found following code:

After compiling the .less file into a .ess file, what will be the results of the code above?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


After compiling the .less file into a .css file, the result of the code above will be option B. This is because the
.less file uses a mixin called .animation() that takes two parameters: the name of the animation and the duration. The mixin defines a set of vendor-prefixed properties for the animation and assigns them the values of the parameters. For example:
animation(@name; @duration) { -webkit-animation-name: @name; -webkit-animation-duration: @duration;
-moz-animation-name: @name; -moz-animation-duration: @duration; animation-name: @name; animation-duration: @duration; } When the mixin is called with the values "fade" and "2s", it will generate the following CSS code:
-webkit-animation-name: fade; -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; -moz-animation-name: fade;
-moz-animation-duration: 2s; animation-name: fade; animation-duration: 2s; Option A is not correct because it does not use the vendor prefixes for the animation properties. Option C is not correct because it uses the wrong values for the animation name and duration. References: [LESS Mixins],
[CSS Animations]

質問 # 41
By creating a Custom_Module, an Adobe Commerce Developer has implemented a new Page Builder viewport for tablet devices but the viewport's tablet selector button is missing.
The button .svg has been properly added to the path: CustomJ^odule/web/css/images/switcher/switcher-tablet
.svg. How the developer would implement the viewport button icon?
By setting the node icon in the theme's etc/view.xml file for the respective viewport configuration data.

By setting the node button-image in the theme's etc/view.xml file for the respective viewport configuration data.

C)By adding the node image in the theme's etc/viewport.xml file for the respective viewport configuration data.

By adding the node image in the theme's etc/viewport.xml file for the respective viewport configuration data.

  • A. Option D
  • B. Option A
  • C. Option B
  • D. Option C


Option C is the correct way to implement the viewport button icon. The image node specifies the path to the
.svg file relative to the web/css directory of the module. Option A is incorrect because there is no icon node in the viewport configuration data. Option B is incorrect because there is no button-image node in the viewport configuration data. Option D is incorrect because the image node value should not include the web/css part of the path.https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/PageView-class.html

質問 # 42
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to apply a Knockout binding to show content under certain conditions.
Which two syntaxes would achieve this? (Choose two.)

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.


Option A and Option C are both valid ways to apply a Knockout binding to show content under certain conditions. Option A uses the visible binding, which sets the display style of the element to none if the value is false. Option C uses the if binding, which removes or inserts the element from the DOM based on the value.
Option B and Option D are incorrect because they use invalid syntax for Knockout bindings. Option B uses a colon instead of an equal sign to assign the value, and Option D uses a single quote instead of a double quote to enclose the value.

質問 # 43
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to override the template assigned to a block named existing, product, block. This relationship is defined in the catalog_product_view. xml layout in the Magento_Catalog module.
They cannot simply override the file in their theme, as this change is part of a feature that is being released to the marketplace as a module called "Orange_CustomProduct".
The developer has already created the desired template at app/code/Orange/CustomProduct/view/f rontend/templates/custom-product-block.phtml.
What can they add to app/code/Orange/CustomProduct/view/f rontend/layout/catalog_product_view. xml in their module to accomplish this?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.


To override the template assigned to a block in a module, the developer needs to use the <referenceBlock> layout instruction with the name attribute specifying the name of the block and the template attribute specifying the path to the new template file. In this case, the code would be:
<referenceBlock name="existing.product.block"
Option A is not valid because it uses <block> instead of <referenceBlock>, which would create a new block instead of referencing an existing one. Option C is not valid because it uses <argument> instead of
<template>, which would not change the template of the block. Option D is not valid because it uses an incorrect syntax for the template attribute, which should use two colons instead of a slash. References: [Layout instructions], [Override templates and layout files]

質問 # 44

Adobe AD0-E720 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • Adobe Commerce テーマのフォルダー構造とそれがフォルダーベースのテーマにどのように関連するかを説明する
  • 既存のテーマを拡張する機能を実証する
トピック 2
  • さまざまな JavaScript コンポーネントの使用例を区別する
  • クライアント側とサーバー側のコンパイルの違いとその仕組みを特定する
トピック 3
  • Magento LESS をオーバーライドまたは拡張する機能をデモンストレーションする
  • レイアウト XML 命令を利用する機能をデモンストレーションする
トピック 4
  • さまざまなタイプのミックスインを実装する機能をデモンストレーションする
  • ページ ビルダー コンテンツをカスタマイズする機能をデモンストレーションする
トピック 5
  • XML の拡張
  • マージとオーバーライドの違いを理解する
  • 引数をテンプレートに渡して利用する方法をデモンストレーションする
トピック 6
  • 基本的な bin
  • Magento コマンドの使用法をデモンストレーションする
  • デプロイ モードの適切な使用例を区別する



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