[2023年12月]更新のAdobe AD0-E720実際のブレーン知能問題集 [Q25-Q44]


[2023年12月]更新のAdobe AD0-E720実際のブレーン知能問題集


質問 # 25
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to remove the default Wishlist and Compare Products blocks on a category page with layered navigation Where would this modification be placed, assuming the developer only wants to make this change?

  • A. app/design/frontend/Vendor/Theme/Magento_LayeredNavigation/layout/override/catalog_category_view_
  • B. app/design/frontend/Vendor/Theme/Magento_Catalog/layout/catalog_category_view.xml
  • C. app/design/frontend/Vendor/Theme/Magento_Layered.Navigation/layout/catalog_category_view_type_lay


To remove the default Wishlist and Compare Products blocks on a category page with layered navigation, the developer should place the modification in the app/design/frontend/Vendor/Theme/Magento_LayeredNavigation/layout/catalog_category_view_type_layered.x file. This file is specific to the category pages with layered navigation and will override the default layout file from the Magento_LayeredNavigation module. The modification should use the <referenceBlock> tag with the name attribute specifying the name of the block and the remove attribute set to true. For example:
<referenceBlock name="catalog.compare.sidebar" remove="true"/> <referenceBlock name="wishlist_sidebar" remove="true"/> The app/design/frontend/Vendor/Theme/Magento_LayeredNavigation/layout/override/catalog_category_view_type_ file is not valid and will not work, as it is not a valid override path. The app/design/frontend/Vendor/Theme/Magento_Catalog/layout/catalog_category_view.xml file is not specific to the category pages with layered navigation and will affect all category pages. References: [Layout override],
[Remove an element]

質問 # 26
An Adobe Commerce developer is using a view model within an existing block:

What are two ways to access the view model class in the template? (Choose two.)

  • A. $block->getViewHodel()
  • B. $block->viewModel()
  • C. $block->getData('view_model')
  • D. $block->getData('viewModel)


To access a view model within an existing block, the developer can use either of the following ways:
$block->getData('view_model'): This method will return the view model object that is assigned to the argument name "view_model" in the layout XML file. For example:
<referenceBlock name="blog_posts_list"> <arguments> <argument name="view_model" xsi:type="object">ExampleObjectModel/ExampleObjectModel</argument> </arguments> </referenceBlock> In the template file, the developer can access the view model object by using:
$block->getData('viewModel'): This method will return the view model object that is assigned to the argument name "viewModel" in the layout XML file. For example:
<referenceBlock name="blog_posts_list"> <arguments> <argument name="viewModel" xsi:type="object">ExampleObjectModel/ExampleObjectModel</argument> </arguments> </referenceBlock> In the template file, the developer can access the view model object by using:
The following methods are not valid and will not work:
$block->viewModel(): This method does not exist and will cause an error.
$block->getViewHodel(): This method is misspelled and will cause an error.

質問 # 27
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to alias URLs and third party libraries inside a require js-config.js file.
Which configuration would the developer use?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


To alias URLs and third party libraries inside a requirejs-config.js file, the developer should use the paths configuration option. This option allows the developer to map module names to URLs or paths relative to the baseUrl. For example:
var config = { paths: { 'jquery': 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min', 'custom':
'Vendor_Module/js/custom' } };
This will map the module name 'jquery' to the URL of the jQuery library and the module name 'custom' to the path of the custom module. The developer can then use these module names in other modules or files without specifying the full URL or path.
Option A is not correct because it uses the shim configuration option, which is used to define dependencies and exports for non-AMD modules, not to alias URLs or paths. Option C is not correct because it uses the map configuration option, which is used to map module names to other module names for specific contexts, not to alias URLs or paths. References: [RequireJS configuration], [RequireJS paths]

質問 # 28
An Adobe Commerce developer has been asked to add text to an email template that supports translations.
Which two options would they use during their implementation? (Choose two.)

  • A. {{trans "%items items" items="numltems"}}
  • B. {{translations "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing"}}
  • C. {{trans "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing"}}
  • D. {{translations "%items items" items="numltems"}}


To add text to an email template that supports translations, the developer should use the {{trans}} directive with the text enclosed in double quotes. For example:
{{trans "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing"}}
This will render the text as it is, or translate it if a translation file is available for the current locale. If the text contains a variable, the developer should use a placeholder with a percent sign and pass the variable name as an argument. For example:
{{trans "%items items" items="numItems"}}
This will render the text with the value of numItems replacing the %items placeholder, or translate it if a translation file is available for the current locale. The {{translations}}directive is not valid and will not work.
References: [Translate email templates], [Email template syntax]

質問 # 29
In which mode would the stylesheet customizations display immediately after you reload a page in a browser?

  • A. client-side compilation mode
  • B. server- side compilation mode
  • C. less-side compilation mode


In client-side compilation mode, the stylesheet customizations will display immediately after reloading a page in a browser. This is because in this mode, the LESS files are compiled into CSS files by the browser using JavaScript. This mode is useful for development and debugging purposes, as it allows quick changes and previews of the styles. However, this mode is not recommended for production, as it can affect the performance and compatibility of the site. The other modes, server-side compilation and LESS compilation, require running commands or tools to compile the LESS files into CSS files on the server side, which can take some time and delay the display of the customizations. References: [Compilation modes], [Compile LESS]

質問 # 30
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to add a custom widget that extends the default Calendar Widget. What would the contents of this file look like?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


To add a custom widget that extends the default Calendar Widget, the contents of the file would look like option B. This is because option B follows the correct syntax and structure for defining a jQuery widget in Magento. The code does the following steps:
Defines a module with the name "Vendor_Module/js/calendar-widget" that depends on the "jquery/ui" and "Magento_Ui/js/lib/knockout/bindings/datepicker" modules.
Returns a function that creates a new widget with the name "vendor.calendarWidget" that extends the base calendar widget class.
Overrides the init function of the base calendar widget class to add custom logic or functionality to the widget.
Option A is not correct because it does not use the correct syntax for defining a jQuery widget. It uses a script tag instead of a define function, which is not valid for creating a module. It also uses an incorrect name for the widget, which should use a dot instead of a slash. Option C is not correct because it does not use the correct syntax for extending a widget. It uses an extend function instead of a widget function, which is not valid for creating a new widget. It also does not return anything from the module, which will cause an error.
References: [jQuery widgets], [Calendar Widget]

質問 # 31
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to initialize a JS component via Layout XML in custom reference block test. component. Which Layout XML instruction would be used to initialize this JS component?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


Option A is the correct way to initialize a JS component via Layout XML in a custom reference block. The x-magento-init tag is used to specify the component name and the options. Option B is incorrect because it uses the data-mage-init attribute, which is only valid for HTML elements. Option C is incorrect because it uses the x-magento-component tag, which is deprecated and should not be used.

質問 # 32
An Adobe Commerce developer created a module called Orange_Customer. In customer information.
Where would the developer place this file?

  • A. app/code/OrangG/customer/viev^/frontend/web/templates/customer-info.phtml
  • B. app/code/OrangG/Custon>Gr/viGw/frontGnd/templates/customGr-info.phtml
  • C. app/code/Orange/Customer/frontend/templates/customer-info.phtml


To place a template file for a custom module, the developer should follow this path pattern:
In this case, the vendor name is Orange, the module name is Customer, the area is frontend, and the template name is customer-info.phtml. Therefore, the correct path is:
The following paths are not correct and will not work:
app/code/Orange/customer/view/frontend/web/templates/customer-info.phtml: This path is incorrect because it uses web instead of templates, which is used for storing web assets like CSS, JS, and images, not template files.
app/code/Orange/Customer/frontend/templates/customer-info.phtml: This path is incorrect because it misses the view directory, which is required for separating frontend and backend templates.

質問 # 33
An Adobe Commerce developer has been asked to move a block called country from the container sidebar to the container content, the block has to be the last child on the content container.
Which layout instruction would be used to move the block?

  • A. <move element="country-element"destination="content-element"/>
  • B. <move element="country" destination="content" after="last-child"/>
  • C. <moveelement = "country"destination="content" after="-"/>


To move a block from one container to another, the developer needs to use the <move> layout instruction with the element attribute specifying the name of the block and the destination attribute specifying the name of the container. The after attribute can be used to position the block relative to other blocks in the same container.
The value "-" means that the block will be placed after all other blocks, i.e., as the last child. The value
"last-child" is not valid for the after attribute and will not work. The element and destination attributes should use the names of the blocks and containers, not their aliases or classes. References: [Layout instructions],
[Move an element]

質問 # 34
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to display a URL in the template. How would the variable $ur1be securely output in the template?

  • A. <?php echo $escaper->escapeLink($url) ?>
  • B. <?php echo $escaper->escapeHtml($url) ?>
  • C. <?php echo $escaper->escapeUrl($url) ?>


To display a URL in a template securely, the developer should use the escapeUrl method of the escaper object.
This method will encode any special characters in the URL that can be used for XSS attacks, such as &, <, >,
", ', etc. For example:
<?php echo $escaper->escapeUrl($url) ?>
The following methods are not suitable for displaying URLs and should not be used:
<?php echo $escaper->escapeLink($url) ?>: This method is used for escaping link attributes, not URLs.
It will encode any characters that are valid in URLs but invalid in HTML attributes, such as spaces, quotes, etc. For example:
<?php echo $escaper->escapeLink('https://example.com/?q=hello world') ?> // Output:
<?php echo $escaper->escapeHtml($url) ?>: This method is used for escaping HTML content, not URLs. It will encode any characters that are valid in URLs but invalid in HTML content, such as &, <,
>, etc. For example:
<?php echo $escaper->escapeHtml('https://example.com/?q=<script>alert("XSS")</script>') ?> // Output:

質問 # 35
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to apply a Knockout binding to show content under certain conditions.
Which two syntaxes would achieve this? (Choose two.)

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.


Option A and Option C are both valid ways to apply a Knockout binding to show content under certain conditions. Option A uses the visible binding, which sets the display style of the element to none if the value is false. Option C uses the if binding, which removes or inserts the element from the DOM based on the value.
Option B and Option D are incorrect because they use invalid syntax for Knockout bindings. Option B uses a colon instead of an equal sign to assign the value, and Option D uses a single quote instead of a double quote to enclose the value.

質問 # 36
An Adobe Commerce Developer is adding a new page layout to the theme directory within a custom theme.
Which file needs to be created to register the new page layout?

  • A. app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layouts.xnil
  • B. app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/layouts. xml
  • C. app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layout/layouts.xml


To register a new page layout in a custom theme, the developer needs to create a layouts.xml file in the app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layout directory. The layouts.xml file should contain the <layout> element with the id, label, and file attributes. The id attribute is used to reference the layout in other layout files, the label attribute is used to display the layout name in the admin panel, and the file attribute is used to specify the path to the layout file relative to the web directory of the theme. The app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/layouts.xml and app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layouts.xml files are not valid and will not work. References: [Create a new page layout], [layouts.xml]

質問 # 37
An Adobe Commerce developer was asked to customize a JavaScript component which is written as a function. How would the developer extend the native JavaScript function?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


To customize a JavaScript component that is written as a function, the developer can use option A. This option will use the prototype property of the function to extend its functionality and add new methods or properties.
For example:
function Component() { // Component logic }
Component.prototype.customMethod = function() { // Custom method logic }; This will create a new method called customMethod on the prototype of the Component function, which can be accessed by any instance of the Component object. The developer can also override existing methods or properties on the prototype by reassigning them with new values.
Option B is not correct because it will not extend the native JavaScript function, but create a new function that wraps the original function. This will not allow the developer to access or modify the properties or methods of the original function. Option C is not correct because it will not extend the native JavaScript function, but create a new object that inherits from the original function. This will not allow the developer to customize the original function itself, but only its instances.

質問 # 38
An Adobe Commerce developer has just installed an extension via composer. When running, bin/magento module: status Vendor_Module, the status is returned as Module is disabled.
Which two CLI commands need to be run to make the extension work properly? (Choose two.)

  • A. composer install
  • B. composer update vendor/module
  • C. bin/magento module:enable Vendor_Module --clear-static-content
  • D. bin/magento setup:upgrade


The developer needs to run these two CLI commands to make the extension work properly:
bin/magento module:enable Vendor_Module --clear-static-content This command enables the extension and clears any outdated static files that might interfere with its functionality.
bin/magento setup:upgrade This command updates the database schema and data according to the extension's requirements. The other two options are incorrect because they are not necessary to make the extension work properly. The composer install command installs all dependencies specified in the composer.json file, but it does not enable or update any extensions. The composer update vendor/module command updates an existing extension to its latest version, but it does not enable or upgrade it.

質問 # 39
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Which two methods can they use to turn on template hints? (Choose two.)

  • A. On the command line, run the command; php bin/magento setup:enable-template-hints
  • B. On the command line, run the command; php bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable
  • C. In the Admin, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug.
    Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes
  • D. In the Admin, navigate to system > Advanced > Template > Developer > Debug.
    Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes


Template hints are a useful tool for frontend developers to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Template hints can be turned on using either of these two methods:
In the Admin Panel, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug. Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes On the command line, run the command; php bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable The other two options are incorrect because they do not exist as valid methods to turn on template hints.
References: Adobe Commerce Developer Documentation, Adobe Inc.

質問 # 40
Where are the Magento Ul library LESS files located?

  • A. Magento_Ui/web/css/source/
  • B. lib/web/css/source/lib
  • C. Magento_Lib/web/css/source


This directory contains various LESS files that define variables, mixins, functions, and styles for common UI elements and components. The Magento_Ui/web/css/source and lib/web/css/source/lib directories are not valid and do not contain the Magento UI library LESS files. References: [Magento UI library], [Magento UI library source files]

質問 # 41
Which Ul component property is used for cross tracking property changes?

  • A. listens
  • B. exports
  • C. links


The listens property is used for cross tracking property changes in the UI component. The listens property defines the dependencies between the properties of different UI components. It allows one UI component to listen to the changes of another UI component's property and react accordingly. For example, the listens property can be used to update the value of a text field based on the selection of a dropdown menu

質問 # 42
An Adobe Commerce developer is customizing buttons for a custom theme that inherits Magento/blank theme and needs to override the default values. Where would the default values for the buttons be located?

  • A. lib/web/css/source/lib/_buttons.less
  • B. lib/web/less/source/lib/_buttons.less
  • C. lib/web/css/source/lib/_button.less


To find the default values for the buttons, the developer needs to look at the lib/web/css/source/lib/_buttons.less file. This file contains various variables, mixins, and styles for defining and customizing buttons. The developer can override these values in their custom theme by using the
.lib-button() mixin or by creating their own mixins or classes. For example:
lib-button( @_button-selector, @_button-type, @_button-shape, @_button-color, @_button-background,
@_button-border, @_button-text-transform, @_button-box-shadow, @_button-hover-color,
@_button-hover-background, @_button-hover-border, @_button-hover-box-shadow ); The lib/web/less/source/lib/_buttons.less and lib/web/css/source/lib/_button.less files are not valid and do not exist. References: [Buttons], [Magento UI library]

質問 # 43
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to override the template assigned to a block named existing, product, block. This relationship is defined in the catalog_product_view. xml layout in the Magento_Catalog module.
They cannot simply override the file in their theme, as this change is part of a feature that is being released to the marketplace as a module called "Orange_CustomProduct".
The developer has already created the desired template at app/code/Orange/CustomProduct/view/f rontend/templates/custom-product-block.phtml.
What can they add to app/code/Orange/CustomProduct/view/f rontend/layout/catalog_product_view. xml in their module to accomplish this?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.


To override the template assigned to a block in a module, the developer needs to use the <referenceBlock> layout instruction with the name attribute specifying the name of the block and the template attribute specifying the path to the new template file. In this case, the code would be:
<referenceBlock name="existing.product.block"
Option A is not valid because it uses <block> instead of <referenceBlock>, which would create a new block instead of referencing an existing one. Option C is not valid because it uses <argument> instead of
<template>, which would not change the template of the block. Option D is not valid because it uses an incorrect syntax for the template attribute, which should use two colons instead of a slash. References: [Layout instructions], [Override templates and layout files]

質問 # 44

