[Q23-Q42] 100%合格率保証付きで最高のAD0-E704試験でリアル問題PDFがある[2022年12月]



AD0-E704問題集で2022年最新のAdobe AD0-E704試験問題

質問 23
You are creating a module lo enable customers to attach an image file to the quote items while adding a product to the cart. To save development time, you want to build on top of functionality provided by the class \Magento\Catalog\Model\ImageUploader as much as possible.
The class constructor signature is:
What do you do to process the uploaded file?

  • A. Create a custom implementation because the catalog imageUploader can not be used to for files associated with quote items
  • B. Configure a Virtual type based on \Magento\Catalog\Model\ImageUploader Specifying $baseTmpPath. $basePath and SallowedExtensions
  • C. Create a custom Class implementing \Magento\Catalog\Model\ImageUploaderInterface and add it to the $uploaders argument of the UploaderPoolinterface via di.xml
  • D. Configure a plugin for the method \Magento\Catalog\Model\ImageUploader: moveFileFromTmp() in di. xml

正解: B


質問 24
Suppose you are asked to disable/remove the customer review related functionalities. You can not disable the review module directly because the customer module depends on it. What is the possible way to remove all HTML outputs of the review module, from the frontend and backend? :

  • A. Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/module.xml
  • B. Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/config.xml
  • C. Create plugin or Override the class \Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock and toHtml() method, and implement the logic to return empty data in case of review module's block instance is present.
  • D. Create plugin or Override the class \Magento\Backend\Block\Template and isOutputEnabled() method, and implement the logic to return false value in case of review module's block instance is present.

正解: B


質問 25
You are writing a new method for retrieving the level of the category in a category tree by its ID. You have a select query:

With the Staging functionality enabled, the returned category level value changes over time while the category tree stays the same. How do you fix this issue?

  • A. Replace $categoryResource->geTLinkField() with ScategoryResource->getEntityIdField()
  • B. Add filters based on updated_in and created.in for Staging compatibility
  • C. Replace Scategoryld With ScategoryResource->getLinkId(Scategoryld)
  • D. Replace Scategoryld With ScategoryResource->getEntityId(ScategoryId)

正解: C


質問 26
When you reference a factory or proxy in a class constructor, these classes are generated by default inside generated directory, if they are not present in codebase. Which Magento class is resposible for this?

  • A. ClassManager
  • B. IntanceManager
  • C. FileManager
  • D. ObjectManager

正解: D


質問 27
A merchant wants to send email notifications to those customers after a week who placed the order but didn't pay. Suppose email content is almost similar to the default order email template content with some additional text, so you decided to use the same but in a new custom template. How you pass the order object to the email template so that it will render the all data of default template?

  • A. Load the order using increment_id and use getData() to convert it to array and then pass to setTemplateVars method of _transportBuilder instance.
  • B. None of these.
  • C. Create json of all variables that are used in the email template and pass to setTemplateVars method of _transportBuilder insatance.
  • D. Load the order using increment_id and pass this object to setTemplateVars method of _transportBuilder instance.

正解: B


質問 28
A merchant has created a segment that applies to registered customers whose gender is female. You then migrate customers by copying data directly from one database to another. What two ways are used to assign migrated customers with a female gender to the segment?

  • A. Run bin Mgento index:reinde.\ customer_segment
  • B. Re-save the customer segment in the Admin
  • C. Click on the Refresh Segment Data button in the Admin
  • D. They will be automatically assigned by a cron job at the scheduled time

正解: A,C


質問 29
You are working on a project with a large database with many products, sales rules and CMS pages. The merchant is going to use Magento_Staging for scheduled updates, but they were told that use of Staging will modify all SQL queries and slow down website performance.
What modification does Magento_Staging make to existing SQL queries?

  • A. Every query which uses staged entities will have an additional join to the staging_update table filtered by the current version
  • B. Magento.staging does not modify any existing queries so it has no additional impact
  • C. For every query that uses staged entities it adds an additional were statement to filter a row by the current version
  • D. It creates a copy of the staged table with the staged data and joins the new table to replace original values with the staged ones

正解: C


質問 30
You need to create a list of warehouses with a set of details in the configuration values: warehouse name, warehouse postcode. For this, suppose you created a custom configuration file under your module's etc/warehouses_list.xml. Now what should be the name of it's XSD schema for this xml file validation:

  • A. etc/xsd/warehouses_list.xsd
  • B. xsd/warehouses_list.xsd
  • C. etc/warehouses_list.xsd
  • D. etc/warehouses/list.xsd

正解: C


質問 31
Suppose in the product rest API in Magento, you added a new attribute. But this attribute can be accessed by API consumers only when they have access permission. How do you create the attributes following the above condition:

  • A. New attribute must be created as extension_attribute to restrict the access using ACL
  • B. New attributes must be created by extending the product API interface, to restrict access using ACL.
  • C. We can't create access permission for REST API, it's only applicable for entity and repository.
  • D. New attributes must be created as custom_attribute to restrict the access using ACL

正解: A


質問 32
You need to do an analysis of Admin actions on the website for a 24 hour period that happened 90 days ago using the Admin actions log. Assuming that the Log Entry Lifetime store configuration setting has not been changed from the default, where do you access the data?

  • A. It is archived in the var\logging\archive folder on the server
  • B. It has been permanently deleted by the Magento log rotation cron
  • C. It is archived in the magento_logging_event_archive table
  • D. It is available by default for review in the actions log report grid

正解: D


質問 33
You are working on a customization that requires a list of shipping rates available to a user. Which call returns the list of shipping rates?

  • A. \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address::getAllShippingRates
  • B. \Magento\Checkout\Api\ShippingInformationManagementInterface::getRates
  • C. \Magento\Shipping\Helper\Rates: :getAHRates
  • D. \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote::getShippingRates

正解: A


質問 34
Consider below example of etc/di.xml: Magento\Filesystem\Adapter\Local Please select correct statement based on shared="false" attribute in the example:

  • A. None of these.
  • B. Magento\Filesystem is not shared, so no clients will retrieve any instances of Magento\Filesystem. Also, no instance of Magento\Filesystem will get any instance of $adapter, because it is non-shared too.
  • C. Magento\Filesystem is not shared, so all clients will retrieve separate instances of Magento\Filesystem. Also, every instance of Magento\Filesystem will get separate instance of $adapter, because it is non-shared too.
  • D. Magento\Filesystem is not shared, so all clients will retrieve same instances of Magento\Filesystem. Also, every instance of Magento\Filesystem will get same instance of $adapter, because it is non-shared too.

正解: C


質問 35
You are working on a project where many catalog managers often change products in the admin panel.
The merchant is considering changing the indexers mode to "Update on Schedule" from "Update on Save" to achieve better performance. However, the merchant is concerned about data consistency and the probability of the scheduled updates being lost.
How does Magento store the IDs of updated products for reindex in "Update on Schedule" mode?

  • A. Using the Staging update scheduled for every minute, which includes modified products, Magento will automatically reindex affected products when the update is applied.
  • B. Magento is gathering updated IDs using catalog_product_save_commit_after events and publishes them into the Message Queue.
  • C. Magento enables database triggers which collect updated IDs and saves them in special changelog tables.
  • D. Magento sets a reindex_required flag on updated products and a later reindex run by the cron will pick up IDs based on that flag.

正解: A


質問 36
You want to display customized product list along with it's tier prices. To render this price which class should be used and which data needs to be provided ?

  • A. In layout xml, use class= Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render and
    price_render argument= product.price.render.tier
  • B. In layout xml, use class= Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render and
    price_render argument= product.price.render.default
  • C. In layout xml, use class= Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render and
    price_render argument= product.price.render.simple
  • D. None of these

正解: B


質問 37
You are implementing a requirement to exclude all shipping rates less than $50 if there is a specific product in the shopping cart. How do you do this?

  • A. Create a shopping cart price rule with a condition of having the product in the cart and an action to exclude shipping rates less than $50.
  • B. Create an after plugin for the method \Magento\shiPping\Modei\shipPing: : collectives and access the rate result object using the getResuh o method of the Shipping class. You can update the list of rates in the result object.
  • C. Create an after plugin for the method \Hageino\checkoutUpi\shippinginfonaationManageDein::getShippingRates. The method returns a list of rates which you can filter in the plugin.
  • D. Create an observer for the event shipping_rates_collect_after-. In the observer you have access to the rates result object which contains all the rates. You can set a new list of rates to the result object.

正解: A


質問 38
A merchant is planning to create a single scheduled update for one million products. They are wondering about website performance. What two performance issues will the update cause?

  • A. Magento runs a cron job every minute to generate and maintain preview data
  • B. Magento will index all records in the cataiog_product_entity table regardless of the version so the index tables will be big
  • C. When applying a scheduled update Magento will reindex all affected products
  • D. The catalog_product_entity_* tables will contain all the staged values which slows down all queries related to them

正解: B,C


質問 39
A client running Elasticsearch would like products only matching ALL search terms to show on the frontend of the website. How do you do this?

  • A. This requires custom code
  • B. Create an esconfig.xml configuration file with a <match> node set to all
  • C. Send a one-time POST request to the Elasticsearch /.settings endpoint
  • D. Configure the Match Behavior setting to All in the Magento Admin panel

正解: C


質問 40
You are working on a project which uses Staging for different entities. You are considering the option to stage and rollback different entities independently. What is the scope of a Staging version in Magento?

  • A. Table, which makes it possible to stage and rollback the data from each table separately
  • B. Website, such that all entity values for the website are affected with a stage and rollback
  • C. Group of entities (catalog, customer, cms), which makes only possible to stage and rollback the whole group
  • D. Global, such that stage and rollback affect the whole database

正解: D


質問 41
Suppose there are 3 classes: Class A, B and C. Class C have dependecy of Class A You need to overrride/change an argument of class A, create an object of it and inject in Class B in such a way that it should not affect the class C. What should be the magento standard way to do this:

  • A. In module's etc/di.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.
  • B. In module's etc/system.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.
  • C. In module's etc/menu.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.
  • D. In module's etc/config.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.

正解: A


質問 42
