[2022年03月07日]C100DBA究極な学習ガイド [Q39-Q61]



究極なガイドで準備C100DBA認定試験MongoDB Certified DBA Associateは2022年更新

質問 39
Consider the following document:
> db.c.find()
{ "_id" : 12, b : [ 3, 5, 7, 2, 1, -4, 3, 12 ] }
Which of the following queries on the "c" collection will return only the first five elements of the array in the
field? E.g.,
Document you want returned by your query:
{ "_id" : 12, "b" : [ 3, 5, 7, 2, 1 ] >

  • A. db.c.find( { > , { b : [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] > )
  • B. db.c.find( { > , { b : { $substr[ 0 , 5 ] > > )
  • C. db.c.find( { b : [ 0 , 5 ] > )
  • D. db.c.find( { > , { b : { $slice : [ 0 , 5 ] } } )
  • E. db.c.find( { > , { b : [ 0 , 5 ] > )

正解: D


質問 40
What does the output x of the following MongoDB aggregation query result into; db.posts.aggregate( [ {
$group: { _id; "$author", x: { $sum: $likes } } } ] )

  • A. Sum of likes on all the posts by all the authors
  • B. Number of posts by an author
  • C. Sum of likes on all the posts by an author, grouped by author
  • D. Average of likes on all the posts of an author, grouped by author

正解: C


質問 41
Write the command(s) are correct to enable sharding on a database "testdb" and shard a collection "testCollection" with _id as shard key.


sh.enableSharding("testdb") & sh.shardCollection("testdb.testCollection", {_id : 1 }, true )


質問 42
The MongoDB explain() method does not support which of the following verbosity mode:

  • A. queryPlanner
  • B. customExecutionStats
  • C. executionStats
  • D. allPlansExecution

正解: B


質問 43
'mongoimport' command is used for

  • A. None of the above
  • B. Multiple command import
  • C. Multiple command insertion
  • D. Batch data insertion

正解: D


質問 44
Which of the following are common uses of the mongo shell? Check all that apply

  • A. Perform queries against MongoDB collections
  • B. Use as a JavaScript framework for your production system
  • C. Perform administrative tasks

正解: A,C


質問 45
Aggregation Pipelines have a limit of:

  • A. No limit on document and 100 MB RAM
  • B. 2 MB document and 100 MB RAM
  • C. 2 MB document and no limit on RAM
  • D. 16 MB document and 100 MB RAM

正解: D


質問 46
Which features of relational database management systems were deliberately omitted in MongoDB and help us to obtain horizontal scalability? Check all that apply.

  • A. Authentication
  • B. Multi-statement transactions
  • C. Joins

正解: B,C


質問 47
To add a new user and enable authentication in MongoDB, which of the following steps need be executed?

  • A. All of the above
  • B. update users collection and run db.enableAuthenticationQ
  • C. update users collection and restart mongodb with -auth option
  • D. update users collection and restart mongodb

正解: C


質問 48
What is the use of mongodump and mongorestore tools?

  • A. audit mongodb deployment
  • B. backup mongodb deployment
  • C. performance tune mongodb deployment
  • D. replicate mongodb deployments

正解: B


質問 49
Which of the following command is used to get all the indexes on a collection?

  • A. db.showIndexes()
  • B. db.collection.findlndexes()
  • C. db.collection.showIndexes()
  • D. db.collection.getlndexesQ

正解: D


質問 50
When should we consider representing a one-to-many relationship in an embedded collection instead of separate collection?

  • A. Never
  • B. When the many is not very large
  • C. When the many is very large
  • D. Always

正解: B


質問 51
In a sharded replicas set environment with multiple mongos servers, which of the following would decide the mongos failover?

  • A. mongos
  • B. mongod
  • C. individual language drivers
  • D. mongo shell

正解: C


質問 52
Which of the following operator can be used to limit the number of documents in an array field of a document after an update is performed?

  • A. None of the above
  • B. $removeFromSet
  • C. $push along with $each, $sort and $slice
  • D. $arrayLimit

正解: C


質問 53
What does the following aggregate query perform?

  • A. Fetches the posts with likes between 100 and 200, sets the _id of the first document as null and then increments it 1 every time
  • B. Groups the posts by number of likes (101, 102, 103.) by adding 1 every time
  • C. Calculates the number of posts with likes between 100 and 200
  • D. Fetches the posts with likes between 100 and 200 and sets their _id as null

正解: C


質問 54
JSON stands for

  • A. JavaScript Object Naming
  • B. None of the above
  • C. JavaScript Object Notation
  • D. JavaScript Object Notice

正解: C


質問 55
Consider the following document from the products collection:

What does the following query using $elemMatch return? db.products.find( { product_code: "345678" }, { variations: { $elemMatch: { size: ^L^ } } } )

  • A. Returns the document but with only one element in the variations array (corresponding to size L)
  • B. Returns the complete document but retrieves only the size field from the array
  • C. Returns the complete document since MongoDB does not support partial array retrieval
  • D. Returns the complete document but retrieves only the size field from the array and also with only one element in the variations array (corresponding to size L)

正解: A


質問 56
The following aggregation option is used to specify the specific fields that needs to be passed to the next stage of the aggregation pipeline:

  • A. $match
  • B. $aggregate
  • C. $project
  • D. $group

正解: C


質問 57
Which command is used to determine storage capacity of specific database?

  • A. constats
  • B. mongostat
  • C. dbstats
  • D. mongotop

正解: C


質問 58
As per the aggregation pipeline optimization concepts, if you have a $sort followed by a $match:

  • A. Providing these parameters in any order does not impact the performance
  • B. MongoDB does not do any movements by default and will use the order provided
  • C. $match moves before $sort
  • D. $sort moves before $match

正解: C


質問 59
You are in a sharded cluster. What will you do prior to initiating backup in sharded cluster?

  • A. db.stopserver()
  • B. db.stopBalancer()
  • C. sh.stopBalancer()
  • D. sh.stopserverQ

正解: C


質問 60
Which of the following is correct about MongoDB?

  • A. MongoDB uses JSON format to represent documents
  • B. MongoDB supports some of the SQL functions
  • C. MongoDB supports collection joins
  • D. MongoDB supports geospatial indexes

正解: D


質問 61

MongoDB Certified DBA Associate基礎問題C100DBA試験練習問題集:https://www.goshiken.com/MongoDB/C100DBA-mondaishu.html
