C100DBA問題集と練習テスト(123問題) [Q64-Q84]



ガイド(2023年最新)リアルなMongoDB C100DBA試験問題



質問 # 64
What tool do you use to see if you have a problem in the consumption of disk I / 0?



質問 # 65
What tool do you use if you want to extract a CSV from mongo?



質問 # 66
What is the replication factor for a replicated cluster with 1 primary, 3 secondaries with one of them hidden.
The set also has an arbiter?

  • A. 0
  • B. None of the above
  • C. 1
  • D. 2


質問 # 67
Below is a sample document of "orders" collection



質問 # 68
Which operations add new documents to a collection?

  • A. insert
  • B. Create
  • C. delete
  • D. update


質問 # 69
What does the following query do when performed on the posts collection? db.posts.update({_id:l},{Title:This is post with ID 1"})

  • A. Updating a document is possible only with $set
  • B. Syntax error
  • C. Updates the Title of the post
  • D. Replaces the complete document with _id as 1 with the document specified in second parameter


質問 # 70
You are comparing values of different BSON types in mongodb. You want to compare from lowest to highest.
Which comparison order is used?

  • A. Objec^Array^inData,Symbol, String,MinKey, Null, Numbers
  • B. MinKey, Null, Numbers,Symbol, String,Object,Array,BinData
  • C. Object/Array^inData/Symbol,MinKey, Null, Numbers,String
  • D. MinKey, Null, Numbers,Object,Array,BinData,Symbol, String


質問 # 71
Which of the following collections stores authentication credentials in MongoDB?

  • A. users.users
  • B. local.users
  • C. test.users
  • D. system.users


質問 # 72
MongoDB is

  • A. Relational DBMS
  • B. Object-oriented DBMS
  • C. Document-oriented DBMS
  • D. None of the above


質問 # 73
What is the defau size of a GridFS chunk?

  • A. 1 MB
  • B. 16 MB
  • C. 255 K
  • D. 2 MB


質問 # 74
Which option should be used to update all the documents with the specified condition in the MongoDB query?

  • A. specify {updateAII: true} as the third parameter of update command
  • B. specify {multi : true} as the third parameter of update command
  • C. specify {all: true} as the third parameter of update command
  • D. updateAII instead of update


質問 # 75
Which of the following statements are true about the $match pipeline operator? Check all that apply.

  • A. You should use it early as possible in the pipeline
  • B. It can be used as many time as needed.
  • C. It has a sintax similar to findQ commands.


質問 # 76
Which of the following does MongoDB use to provide High Availability and fault tolerance?

  • A. Replication
  • B. Write Concern
  • C. Sharding
  • D. Indexing


質問 # 77
Which of the following commands can cause the database to be locked?

  • A. Inserting data
  • B. Map-reduce
  • C. All of the above
  • D. Issuing a query


質問 # 78
A collection and a document in MongoDB is equivalent to which of the SQL concepts respectively?

  • A. Column and Row
  • B. Table and Column
  • C. Database and Table
  • D. Table and Row


質問 # 79
What does the following $slice query return using the following command? db.posts.find( {}, { comments: {
$slice: [ -10, 5 ] } } )

  • A. Returns 10 comments, beginning with the last
  • B. Returns 5 comments, beginning with the last 10 items
  • C. Returns 5 comments, beginning with the first 10 items
  • D. Returns 10 comments, beginning with the first


質問 # 80
The oplog (operations log) is a special capped collection that keeps a rolling record of all operations that modify the data stored in your databases. All the replica set members contain a copy of the oplog in the following collection:

  • A. <replicasetid>.oplog.rs
  • B. <database>..oplog.rs
  • C. oplog.rs
  • D. local.oplog.rs


質問 # 81
Which format/standard is used by MongoDB internally to store documents?

  • A. B+ Trees
  • B. JSON - Extended
  • C. JSON
  • D. BSON


質問 # 82
In mongodb how do you update a document partially?

  • A. $set
  • B. $project
  • C. $modify
  • D. $update


質問 # 83
You have the following index on the toys collection:
"manufacturer" : 1,
"name" : 1,
"date" : -1
Which of the following is able to use the index for the query? Check all that apply.

  • A. db.toys.find( { date : "2015-03-01", manufacturer : "Loggo", name : "Brick Set" } )
  • B. db.toys.find( { manufacturer : "Matteo", name : "Barbara", date : "2014-07-02" } )
  • C. db.toys.find( { name : "Big Rig Truck", date : "2013-02-01", manufacturer : "Tanko"


質問 # 84

