2023年最新のMongoDB C100DBA試験問題には123問があります [Q68-Q93]


2023年最新のMongoDB C100DBA試験問題には123問があります


MongoDB C100DBA 認定試験は、世界中どこからでも受験できるオンライン監視試験です。90分以内に60問の多肢選択問題に回答する必要があります。試験に合格するためには、候補者は少なくとも65%のスコアを取得する必要があります。試験料は150米ドルであり、候補者が最初の試みで合格しなかった場合、1回の無料リテイクが含まれています。

MongoDB C100DBA認証は、MongoDBデータベースを扱う専門家にとって不可欠な資格です。この認定は世界的に認識されており、さまざまな業界の雇用主によって高く評価されています。 MongoDBデータベース管理における候補者のスキルと知識の証として機能し、雇用市場で競争力を与えます。 MongoDBデータベース管理者に対する需要の高まりに伴い、この認定を取得することで、新しいキャリアの機会が開かれ、専門家がキャリアを進めるのに役立ちます。


質問 # 68
You perform the following query on the sayings collection, which has the index
{ quote : "text" }:
Assuming the documents below are in the collection, which ones will the following query return? Check all that apply.
db.sayings.find( { $text : { $search : "fact find" } } )

  • A. { _id : 2, quote : "Find out if that fact is correct." }
  • B. { _id : 1, quote : "That's a fact, Jack." }
  • C. { _id : 3, quote : "Nobody will ever catch me." }


質問 # 69
What is the output of the following program?

  • A. 60 s
  • B. 100 ms
  • C. 100 s
  • D. 1s


質問 # 70
Write the command(s) are correct to enable sharding on a database "testdb" and shard a collection "testCollection" with _id as shard key.


sh.enableSharding("testdb") & sh.shardCollection("testdb.testCollection", {_id : 1 }, true )

質問 # 71
When should we consider representing a one-to-many relationship in an embedded collection instead of separate collection?

  • A. Never
  • B. When the many is very large
  • C. When the many is not very large
  • D. Always


質問 # 72
Consider the following documents:

You perform the following query;

How many documents will be updated by the query?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 3
  • E. 4


質問 # 73
Mongodb does provide high availability via which option?

  • A. Replication
  • B. Sharding
  • C. Indexing
  • D. Journaling


質問 # 74
What is the first task that a secondary would perform on being prompted by another secondary for an election?

  • A. Start the election process for primary
  • B. Vote for the first secondary so that it would become the next primary
  • C. Connect to primary to confirm its availability
  • D. Vote for itself and then call for election


質問 # 75
A collection and a document in MongoDB is equivalent to which of the SQL concepts respectively?

  • A. Table and Column
  • B. Database and Table
  • C. Table and Row
  • D. Column and Row


質問 # 76
Which of the following is incorrect statement about find and findOne operations in MongoDB?

  • A. findQ returns all the documents in a collection while findOne() retrieves only the first one.
  • B. find.limit(l) is not the same query as findOne()
  • C. findQ and findOneQ returns cursors to the collection documents
  • D. findOneQ returns the actual first document retrieved from a collection


質問 # 77
MongoDB is a schema-less design.

  • A. True
  • B. False


質問 # 78
Which of the following is a valid Replica Set configuration if you want:
1-Have 3 copies of everything
2- That RS3 is never primary
2- That RSI and RS2 can be primary?
You had to see the different configurations, RS3 could be hidden or priority 0 (But not a referee because we need
3 replicas), while RSI and RS2 could NOT have priority 0 or be hidden or anything like that In a 4-member RS RSO , RSI, RS2 and RS3 + Referee, RSO (primary) falls after some write operations that have replicated RSI and RS2 (but NOT RS3), who can get up as the new primary?
The configuration comes and in it we see that RS2 has a hidden: true (or a priority: 0, (I don't remember)

  • A. ORS3
  • B. ORS2
  • C. ORS1
  • D. O arbiter
  • E. RSO


質問 # 79
What does the output x of the following MongoDB aggregation query result into; db.posts.aggregate( [ {
$group: { _id; "$author", x: { $sum: $likes } } } ] )

  • A. Sum of likes on all the posts by an author, grouped by author
  • B. Average of likes on all the posts of an author, grouped by author
  • C. Number of posts by an author
  • D. Sum of likes on all the posts by all the authors


質問 # 80
Below is a sample document in a given collection test.
{ a : 5, b : 3, c: 2, d : 1 >
Given a compound index { a: 1, b:l, c:l, d:l}, Which of the below query will not use in-memory sorting? Select all valid.

  • A. db.test.find( { a: 5, b: 3 } ).sort( { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 > )
  • B. db.test.find( { a: 5, b: 3 } ).sort( {c: 1 } )
  • C. db.test.find( { a: 5, b: 3 } ).sort( { c: 1, d : 1 } )
  • D. db.test.find( { a: 5, b: 3 } ).sort( { a: 1} )


質問 # 81
What is the defau size of a GridFS chunk?

  • A. 255 K
  • B. 2 MB
  • C. 16 MB
  • D. 1 MB


質問 # 82
Which features of relational database management systems were deliberately omitted in MongoDB and help us to obtain horizontal scalability? Check all that apply.

  • A. Multi-statement transactions
  • B. Authentication
  • C. Joins


質問 # 83
Which of the following statements are true about the $match pipeline operator? Check all that apply.

  • A. It can be used as many time as needed.
  • B. You should use it early as possible in the pipeline
  • C. It has a sintax similar to findQ commands.


質問 # 84
Which of the following needs to be performed prior to initiate backup on a sharded cluster?

  • A. db.stopBalancer( )
  • B. sh.stopServer( )
  • C. db.stopServer( )
  • D. sh.stopBalancer( )


質問 # 85
If you have created a compound index on (A,B, C) which of the following access pattern will not be able to utilize the index?

  • A. A, B, C
  • B. A, B
  • C. A
  • D. B, C


質問 # 86
Given a collection posts as shown below having a document array comments, which of the following command will create an index on the comment author descending?

  • A. db.posts.createIndex({comments.author":-l});
  • B. db.posts.createIndex({commerits.$.author":-l});
  • C. db.posts.createIndex({comments.$.author": {$desc:l>});


質問 # 87
Which format/standard is used by MongoDB internally to store documents?

  • A. B+ Trees
  • B. JSON - Extended
  • C. BSON
  • D. JSON


質問 # 88
Dada una coleccion, cuales devuelve con la siguiente query

  • A. { "-id" : Objectld("580a42b5dfblb5al7427d302"), "nombre" : "ruben", "apellido" : "gomez", "aficion" :
    v u "flipar" }
  • B. { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" : "ruben", "apellido" : "gomez" >
  • C. { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" : "Luis", "apellido" : "gomez", "aficion" : u
    "flipar" }
  • D. { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" : "ruben", "apellido" : "Pablo" , "aficion" : u


質問 # 89
Which of the following is supported by MongoDB?

  • A. Journaling
  • B. Relationships between Collections (Primary Key Foreign Key)
  • C. ACID Transactions
  • D. Transaction Management


質問 # 90
Consider the following document:
> db.c.find()
{ "_id" : 12, b : [ 3, 5, 7, 2, 1, -4, 3, 12 ] }
Which of the following queries on the "c" collection will return only the first five elements of the array in the
field? E.g.,
Document you want returned by your query:
{ "_id" : 12, "b" : [ 3, 5, 7, 2, 1 ] >

  • A. db.c.find( { > , { b : { $substr[ 0 , 5 ] > > )
  • B. db.c.find( { > , { b : [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] > )
  • C. db.c.find( { > , { b : [ 0 , 5 ] > )
  • D. db.c.find( { > , { b : { $slice : [ 0 , 5 ] } } )
  • E. db.c.find( { b : [ 0 , 5 ] > )


質問 # 91
The________operator can be used to identify an element in the array to be updated without explicitly specifying the position of the element.

  • A. $ elemMatch
  • B. $slice
  • C. Updating an array field without knowing its index is not possible.
  • D. $


質問 # 92
Consider that our posts collection contains an array field called tags that contains tags that the user enters. {

Which of the following commands will find all the posts that have been tagged as tutorial.

  • A. db.posts.find( { tags : ["tutorial"] } );
  • B. db.posts.findInArray( { tags : "tutorial" > );
  • C. db.posts.find( { $array : {tags: "tutorial") > );
  • D. db.posts.find( { tags : "tutorial" } );


質問 # 93

MongoDB C100DBA認定試験は、MongoDBデータベースの管理における個人の知識とスキルを評価するように設計されています。この試験は、データベースソフトウェアの最新バージョンであるMongoDB 4.4に基づいています。この試験では、インストールと構成、データモデリング、セキュリティ、パフォーマンスチューニング、バックアップと回復など、幅広いトピックをカバーしています。この試験は60の複数選択の質問で構成されており、90分の時間制限があります。


MongoDB C100DBA試験実践テスト問題:https://www.goshiken.com/MongoDB/C100DBA-mondaishu.html
