C100DBAリアルな試験問題C100DBA練習問題集 [Q51-Q70]




質問 # 51
What does the following $slice query return using the following command? db.posts.find( {}, { comments: {
$slice: [ -10, 5 ] } } )

  • A. Returns 10 comments, beginning with the first
  • B. Returns 5 comments, beginning with the first 10 items
  • C. Returns 10 comments, beginning with the last
  • D. Returns 5 comments, beginning with the last 10 items


質問 # 52
If you have created a compound index on (A,B, C) which of the following access pattern will not be able to utilize the index?

  • A. A, B, C
  • B. A, B
  • C. A
  • D. B, C


質問 # 53
In which of the following scenarios is sharding not the correct option. Select all that apply.

  • A. The working set in the collection is expected to grow very large in size
  • B. The write operations on the collection are very high
  • C. The write operations on the collection are low
  • D. The collection is a read intensive collection with less working set


質問 # 54
Which command can be used to rebuild the indexes on a collection in MongoDB?

  • A. db.collection.createlndex({relndex:l})
  • B. db.collection.relndexQ
  • C. db.collection.reIndex({author:l})
  • D. db.collection.createIndex({author:l}).reIndex()


質問 # 55
'$set' sets the value of

  • A. Code block
  • B. Name/value pair
  • C. None of the above
  • D. Key


質問 # 56
Write the command(s) are correct to enable sharding on a database "testdb" and shard a collection "testCollection" with _id as shard key.


sh.enableSharding("testdb") & sh.shardCollection("testdb.testCollection", {_id : 1 }, true )

質問 # 57
Which of the following index would be optimum for the query?
Select all valid. db.test.find( { a : 5, c : 2 })

  • A. db.test.ensurelndex( { a : 1, c: 1, d: 1, b : 1})
  • B. db.test.ensurelndex( { a: 1, b :1, c:l, d:l})
  • C. db.test.ensurelndex( { c:l, a: 1})
  • D. CH db.test.ensurelndex( { a :1, c:l})


質問 # 58
Which of the following is a valid Replica Set configuration if you want:
1-Have 3 copies of everything
2- That RS3 is never primary
2- That RSI and RS2 can be primary?
You had to see the different configurations, RS3 could be hidden or priority 0 (But not a referee because we need
3 replicas), while RSI and RS2 could NOT have priority 0 or be hidden or anything like that In a 4-member RS RSO , RSI, RS2 and RS3 + Referee, RSO (primary) falls after some write operations that have replicated RSI and RS2 (but NOT RS3), who can get up as the new primary?
The configuration comes and in it we see that RS2 has a hidden: true (or a priority: 0, (I don't remember)

  • A. O arbiter
  • B. ORS1
  • C. RSO
  • D. ORS2
  • E. ORS3


質問 # 59
What is the first task that a secondary would perform on being prompted by another secondary for an election?

  • A. Start the election process for primary
  • B. Vote for itself and then call for election
  • C. Connect to primary to confirm its availability
  • D. Vote for the first secondary so that it would become the next primary


質問 # 60
What is the defau size of a GridFS chunk?

  • A. 16 MB
  • B. 2 MB
  • C. 1 MB
  • D. 255 K


質問 # 61
In a collection that contains 100 post documents, what does the following command do? db. posts.

  • A. Skips the first five documents and returns the next five
  • B. Skips the first five documents and returns the sixth document five times
  • C. Limits the first five documents and then return them in reverse order
  • D. Skip and limit nullify each other. Hence returning the first five documents


質問 # 62
Below is a sample document of "orders" collection



質問 # 63
What tool would you use if you want to save a gif file in mongo?



質問 # 64
Below is a sample document of "orders" collection

  • A. $project


質問 # 65
Dada una coleccion, cuales devuelve con la siguiente query

  • A. { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" : "ruben", "apellido" : "gomez" >
  • B. { "-id" : Objectld("580a42b5dfblb5al7427d302"), "nombre" : "ruben", "apellido" : "gomez", "aficion" :
    v u "flipar" }
  • C. { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" : "Luis", "apellido" : "gomez", "aficion" : u
    "flipar" }
  • D. { "_id" : Objectld("580a42acdfblb5al7427d301"), "nombre" : "ruben", "apellido" : "Pablo" , "aficion" : u


質問 # 66
Given a collection posts as shown below having a document array comments, which of the following command will create an index on the comment author descending?

  • A. db.posts.createIndex({commerits.$.author":-l});
  • B. db.posts.createIndex({comments.author":-l});
  • C. db.posts.createIndex({comments.$.author": {$desc:l>});


質問 # 67
What is the use of mongodump and mongorestore tools?

  • A. backup mongodb deployment
  • B. audit mongodb deployment
  • C. replicate mongodb deployments
  • D. performance tune mongodb deployment


質問 # 68
'mongoimport' command is used for

  • A. Batch data insertion
  • B. Multiple command import
  • C. Multiple command insertion
  • D. None of the above


質問 # 69
Consider the following document from the products collection:

What does the following query using $elemMatch return? db.products.find( { product_code: "345678" }, { variations: { $elemMatch: { size: ^L^ } } } )

  • A. Returns the complete document but retrieves only the size field from the array and also with only one element in the variations array (corresponding to size L)
  • B. Returns the complete document since MongoDB does not support partial array retrieval
  • C. Returns the complete document but retrieves only the size field from the array
  • D. Returns the document but with only one element in the variations array (corresponding to size L)


質問 # 70

MongoDB C100DBA 認定試験は、世界中どこからでも受験できるオンライン監視試験です。90分以内に60問の多肢選択問題に回答する必要があります。試験に合格するためには、候補者は少なくとも65%のスコアを取得する必要があります。試験料は150米ドルであり、候補者が最初の試みで合格しなかった場合、1回の無料リテイクが含まれています。


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